Yep. The heat was on in Roseville over the weekend and even golf couldn't compete with the need to cool off in our new pool. Jennifer and John were in town on Sunday as Jen has a girlfriend who was having a baby shower. John came over to chill at our house while the gooing and gawing were going on and I put him to work. I am making a dump run next weekend and I wanted to get in and clear out some old furniture and odds and ends from my shed. I still had a bunch of marketing materials from Republic Western that were literally gathering dust in the shed and taking up space. John and I completely cleared out the shed and then swept out and sprayed down the interior before putting only the needed items back in the shed. The shed itself is 120 square feet, so plenty big, but it was stacked with lawn chairs and old furniture, etc. I had put several old chest of drawers in the shed thinking the drawers would be a good place for storage, but the furniture just took up so much space that I couldn't move a wheelbarrow or my mower or edger without banging in to things. Most of the old furniture is now sitting in the back of the shed waiting for a dump run this weekend. I kept two of the smaller chests and have the extra sprinkler parts and some yard lights stored in it with a tool kit sitting on top of it. The other chest has drills and bits and other supplies in it. The floor is clean and I have plenty of room for the bikes and all of the other yard tools. I am, like most men, easily pleased and it feels good to have the shed cleaned out.
I did have golf this weekend, in fact a two day city of Roseville Amateur championship. I teed off Saturday at 11 AM in the heat of the day and suffered through a six hour round of golf. I played alternately poorly and pitifully and when I hit a wayward drive on number 14, decided to invoke the "God's Will" playing card and said that I would not hit a provisional ball and that if I couldn't find the ball, I would DQ out of the tournament. God was gracious and the ball was lost. I opted out of the Sunday round and, in fact, relaxed and played the last four holes in one under par, even putting my second shot 18 feet from the cup on the number 16 525 yard par five. I missed the eagle putt, but tapped in for birdie. I shot an 89 with a self imposed 6 on the par three hole that I DQ'd and would have had a net 76. The leaders were at 71, but the weather was so hot all I could think about was my new pool back home and how I'd like to be in cooling off. The fact that the round was so slow and the players ahead of us so slow and methodical, I was glad to be done with the tournament.
The fact that John and Jennifer came into town and are leaving in two weeks for Vegas made the decision an easy one. We had a blast in the pool relaxing and enjoying the sun. The pool water was 80 degrees and I finally got a chance to get in to the pool and use a pumice stone on the tile. This was also our first chance to check the bottom of the pool and see if our sweeping made a difference on the texture of the bottom. For the most part, the plaster is very smooth and that three times a day sweeping paid off. Some friends bought us a floating bar with a big surface for drinks and chips, etc and three smaller floating bar stools. It is a cute gift and you can see Darla and Jennifer floating on the bar in the pictures. You can also see how much the plants have grown since they were planted a few weeks ago.
I'm excited for Jennifer and John with their move to Las Vegas and the new opportunities that they will have there. As a Dad, I'd like to see a more formal commitment between John and Jennifer as it is a real leap of faith that Jennifer is taking, quitting her job and leaving her family support system to follow John to Vegas. I've counseled both John and Jennifer about making sure that Jennifer has medical insurance after she leaves Das Net. I want them to learn from Jesse's accident where he had no medical insurance and make sure that Jennifer is covered while she is looking for work. They seem to hear me and they say they will arrange insurance for Jennifer before she leaves Das Net. It sounds like John's new job will be a very good one for him. He is taking a big cut in pay, but gaining the assurance that he won't be traveling away from home on a regular basis. His new job only requires travel of about 5% of his time (about one day a month) versus 75% of the time with Das Net. Jennifer will put her job search into gear as soon as they land in Las Vegas. It is a great city to be in for someone with their skill sets as they are both adept at installing large video displays and Audio Visual systems. Vegas is the AV capitol of the world with every Vegas show requiring complicated audio and visual effects. Hopefully she will land on her feet and she has John to provide for her until she does.
We had Family Sunday at church this weekend with Baby dedications and all of the kids crammed into the church. I thought we just did this a few weeks ago and I missed it on purpose. The saving grace this week was Cindy Morgan, who was the music guest. She is a Christian artist of which Darla and I have several of her CDs. She is from Tennessee and now lives there half the year and the other half in Canada as she married a Cannuck. She is a piano player and has several excellent ballads that she played as well as a couple of countrified hymns that she played. It was great. For some untold reason they also had the world's tallest dog on stage, I 'm guessing it was to keep the kids entertained. We had squirming and squealing youngsters all around us and one little girl who kept getting loose from her Mom's grasp and running all over the church. As I've said before, I'm a big fan of family, just not other people's families.
I will be running for President of the Roseville Golf Club this fall and we had dinner with my VP choice and his wife on Saturday night at Fat's Dim Sum Bar in Roseville. I also have to replace the tournament director and the tournament bookkeeper and have two men in mind for those positions. Bob Pando is considering the bookkeeper position and I will try to get him free golf at our tournaments next year as the job takes about 20 hours a month. We pay $25 a month to do the job, but it isn't enough for that kind of time commitment. I will also get free greens fees next year as President.
Well, it is time to get to work. The last day to book premiums for April. We are up about 30% this year, but only up 15% in April. Perhaps we can increase that percentage with a good final push today. Take Care. Ciao.