Nice pictures of my granddaughter provided by Jennifer and John. They went out to an old gambling town outside of Vegas and Samantha really seemed to enjoy her day with Mom and Dad. She is just getting cuter and Darla and I need to plan a Vegas weekend soon.
The weather is heating up and we had two days in the 90's over this past weekend. Darla was up in Paradise at a street fair and I was home batching it. David and I made a steady diet of barbecued hot dogs over the weekend. Mine were barbecued Turkey franks. I'm sticking with the change in diet even if my blood work doesn't show much change. I feel better which counts for something. I have less problems with indigestion and heartburn and I'm sleeping better. Hopefully after my next appointment and getting some meds for the triglyceride problem, the blood work will settle down. I have switched to Zocor and continue to take the fish oil pills. We'll see how it all fleshes out.
I played in the Roseville City Amateur this weekend and definitely played like an amateur. The first day was at Diamond Oaks and the tournament started poorly in that I was placed in a fivesome. There are many good reasons that a regular golf group is comprised of four players. As it turned out, with the five players in our group we ended up with a good foursome. One of the guys was an absolute PIA (Pain In the A$$). He started the round by complaining that we were all standing too close to the tee box when he hit. We all dutifully backed off and let the Queen have her throne. He was back at it on the first green as he wanted everyone behind him and "preferably off the green" when he putted. Now with four players, that would be a rude request. With five, it was ridiculous. On the second green, he yelled at me to get out from behind him as he could see me. I moved and mumbled something about "fish eyes". He pulled me aside as we walked to the third green and said that he has "hockey eyes" and can see everything around him. I asked him if he was Canadian. When he said no, I said "thank God!" He had no clue that I was concerned for my heritage. I thought the only jerks in Canada were members of Parliament.
This piece of work ended up getting into it with one of the other players on a ruling. I was not close to them when it happened, but the short version is that the player lifted a ball in a hazard to identify his ball. The yokel yelled, "that's a one stroke penalty, you cannot lift a ball in a hazard". The player making the identification said he thought he could. The yokel was adamant. i heard them yelling at each other and when they approached me explained what happened. I told them that the rule changed in 2008 and you could now lift a ball from a hazard for purposes of identification and then replace it in the same position it was prior to being moved. The rule was amended and it is now a two stroke penalty to play the wrong ball out of a hazard. In the past you went ahead an played the ball and if it was the wrong ball you went back and searched for another ball to hit. The USGA realized the error of their ways and changed the rule. I told this to them and Mr. Yokel PIA, told me I was full of #$%&. I told him to kiss my rear and learn the rules of golf if he was going to play the game. It was a brutal five hours of golf with this idiot. The guy who he called a cheater told me he was going to punch him in the head and I told him that I was President of the Golf Club and asked him to wait and do it in the parking lot after the round and then sucker punch him in the throat for me. We all struggled with this BOZO in our group and no one shot better than a net 72. I shot 87 for a net 76 and was just happy to get out of there without losing it with this idiot. He stayed about forty feet from the rest of the group most of the time and we all had completely had it with him.
Sunday was Woodcreek and a new day. I woke up with a sour stomach and some stomach cramps. I probably had a touch of the flu, but soldiered on and showed up at the course for my tee time. Unbelievably, the Yokel approached me and said, "Could you believe those guys yesterday? What a bunch of jerks, eh?" He completely caught me off guard and I was wondering what alternate universe this yahoo lives in. I finally found my voice and let him know that the only jerk I saw on Saturday was him. He played right behind us on Sunday and started with a foursome that dwindled to a threesome after three holes. I can only imagine that he chased the fourth player off with his "high maintenance" attitude. He let me know Saturday that he'd been married three times and was having trouble finding the right girl. There are deaf and blind women in the world and he should seek one out. Men are so forgiving of each other's weaknesses, but all four of the guys that I played with were ready to have this guy drawn and quartered within half an hour of meeting him.
My game on Sunday was equally as bad as Saturday with the exception of the fact that I actually felt bad. I shot 48 on the front side and almost walked off after the front nine, but was talked into staying by Tony Masone, of the guys in my club., He was enjoying playing with me and the other two guys were from Reno and Santa Rosa. I hung in there and shot a 40 on the backside for 88. I did suffer some stomach cramps and ended up having to relieve myself in some trees on the course after 16. I then parred 17 and 18 for the 40.
I got home and relaxed outside by the pool cleaning out the filter and straining and brushing down the pool. I'm sporting a bit of a sunburn from two days in the sun this weekend, but it feels good.
I witnessed a near accident this morning on my drive to work. A Chevy Tahoe was in front of me and he had run a light behind us to stay with me as we drove . He changed lanes as we approached another light and it went yellow. I guess he expected the truck in front of him to keep going and when he didn't abruptly changed lanes to make the light, not realizing that the car in the left lane was also going to stop for the light. He ended up swerving to his left and coming to rest on the median of the road next to the left turn lane. Good God, buddy, it is just Monday.
My office will go paperless next Monday and I will be invaded by minions from Home Office. I will try to get the blog done over the weekend, but I'm playing in a two day individual tournament at Diamond Oaks. I have to play host to the trainers and will be out to dinner with them on Monday night.
I hope all is right in your world. Ciao.