Just a quick update. I will add more to this later in the week, so check back. Darla and I visited with Dad and Shirley before walking to the video store and then watching the movie when we got home and the night sort of got away from me. Becky and Daniel are coming over tomorrow night for Chinese Food, so adding to this then won't happen, but I'll get to it before we leave for Vegas.
The pictures above of Samantha are some of the ones John sent to me to add to my new IPhone and they are adorable. The ones of Becky and Daniel and Darla and I were taken at dinner on Saturday night at Scott's Seafood on the Sacramento River. Daniel couldn't decide what to order and finally decided on one of the appetizers, The Tsunami Tower. It had three levels of shrimp, calamari, oysters, mussels and other seafood. He sat eating it, making faces as he forced down the uncooked oysters and gagged over the mussels with a greenish hairy spine. It was quite entertaining. Becky is a Junior at Cal Poly majoring in Psychology and she keeps up with Daniel in intelligence and in spunk. She is quiet around me, but keeps Daniel in line and I like it. She lives in San Jose and is home for the Summer and spending this week in Roseville with Daniel. She is staying at Daniel's grandmother's house while she is away in Montana.
David is on the road back from his three week trip to Yellowstone, Glacier National park and Canada. He left Vancouver on Monday and spent a day on Vancouver Island, two days in Seattle, two days in Portland and two days with his cousins in Willets, California. Taylor leaves tomorrow for Cuba and he wanted to see her before she left.
Dad and Shirley had a grand time with David and enjoyed his fresh take on life and his helpfulness while he was there. They saw many sites and he helped out with the car show, driving the '39 over to the picnic and back in spite of his trepidation. I look forward to seeing him and hearing about his adventures, and of course seeing the pictures.
Dad is planning a celebration of Shirley's 70 years of life in November and we have already booked our flights for Seattle. We will meet Randy and Cake in Seattle and drive in together. Darryl is looking into joining us at the same time and all of us driving into Vancouver together. We get into Seattle at noon on November 14th and spend the weekend.
Well, it is bedtime and I will add more to this hopefully Tuesday night. Hope you are all well and keeping Jesus close to your hearts. Ciao.
Tuesday 7:25 PM
I added more Samantha Pictures, of course. This is just a teaser, wait until next week.
Patiently waiting for my wife to make up some turkey tacos. They are better than they sound, actually. We swam until 6:45 and then I went out and hand picked a few broad leaf weeds in the lawn. I had been spraying them, but it left a big brown spot in the lawn, so I go on the hunt about every two weeks for weeds. Daniel is off shopping, having dinner, and going to a movie. David heard we were having turkey tacos and made himself scarce. Funny thing is he loved them when Darla fixed them one night and didn't tell him what they were.
With the trip to Vegas on the horizon, my golf game will take a break and it can't come soon enough. I played in the qualifier this past week and had my worst round in a year. I shot 45+44=89. Steve shot 91 and we finished the two man net game at 38+33=71. I had to back that up with a twilight league game that night and shot a 41. Who knows. I shot 84 on Saturday in the Rose Cup qualifier and finished out of the top 11. I need a break. I've actually played 69 rounds of golf in the calendar year 2008. I won't play again until the start of the Club Championship on September 7th. I will go out and hit balls and I may actually play on September 6th as a warmup, but this is either the thing I need to do, or it's a mistake. We'll see.
I talked to Jennifer today. They are ready for our visit. David has decided not to join us in Vegas as he needs to get prepared to leave for Cal Poly in two weeks. We will take Jennifer out to dinner for her birthday at Joe's Crab Shack on Friday night and may not even see her when we get in on Thursday as she works so early in the morning.
John has left his job with the intention of getting on with the union. Unfortunately things are slow right now for the low voltage techs and he has interviewed for a position with another electrical firm in Vegas and his prospects look good. In the meantime, Jennifer is the breadwinner in the family.
Things at work are progressing. We are actually up about 10% in policy count, but down about 10% in premium volume. I have less people, so they are all working harder and gaining less. It is a bit tense at work and some of the staff can get a little snippy with each other. We will have a little team building meeting tomorrow. My receptionist who was out on maternity leave decided not to return, so I hope to fill her position. It is a bit tough at the moment, but we just need to tread water and wait for the tide to turn, as it always does eventually. The blog will be late next week, but full of pictures of my gorgeous granddaughter. Ciao