It is extremely sad to me. I should live closer to the equator because I love Summer so much. I like Fall and Spring and I am no fan of Winter. Darla and I went to Folsom Live last night, a concert series in Folsom that consists of five stages and 15 bands all in one night. We also spent this afternoon with Charlie and Frieda at an End of Summer party at their house. It was extra nice because Rick and Jan joined us. Rick has pancreatic cancer and has been handling the chemo really well and seeing a lot of encouraging news, including the reduction of lesions. He is weakened by the chemo, but is able to put on a little weight between sessions. He came over about 2:30 and stayed until about 5 and was getting tired when he left.
The picture of the red sun above was Friday morning as I left the lab after having blood drawn. The fire up in Pollock Pines has grown in size and now threatens over 70,000 acres. The wind shifted Thursday night and blew some of the smoke our way and gave the sun a red glow.
I sat and watched the Niners lose with all of my friends and tried to keep my mouth shut, but it was difficult. The San Francisco 49ers have continued the pattern they set in the Cowboy game of playing a really good first half and completely disappearing in the second half. It is a combination of bad play calling and I think Bad JuJu caused by their ignorant decision to continue playing a 300 pound man that beat his pregnant girlfriend. Their excuse is that they want to let due process run it's course. At 1-2 I'd think due process is in full display right now. Do the right thing, make him inactive on game days while his case is worked out and continue to pay him. Once the truth comes out, cut him and move on. Any man that puts his hands on a woman is scum in my book. The Niners, by the way, gave a two game suspension to one of their broadcasters that does the games for two days for inappropriate comments on the Ray Rice case. It's easy to suspend a 155 pound talking head than a 300 pound defensive end ( I guess).
Darla and I got tickets to the Folsom live event on Thursday. We write the insurance for the event and our agent gets 16 Sponsor Passes to the event. We had Sponsor parking, entrance to the Sponsor building and fajita buffet and 20 drink tickets. Darla and I showed up at 5:00 PM and had a great dinner, had a couple of drinks in the air conditioned lounge and then wandered out and saw the bands. Our favorite group that played was Garratt Wilkins and The Parrotheads, a band that is a tribute band to Jimmy Buffet. I guess "tribute band" is a synonym for" rip-off group". They put on a good show and do songs from Jimmy Buffet, The Greatful Dead, The Beach Boys and others. Most of their music is Jimmy Buffet and boat songs with steel drums and acoustic instruments. We had fun, but were out of there by 8 O'clock and back home to relax.
I played golf at an insurance event on Thursday. Two of the guys we were playing with aren't serious golfers and we were one over par by the second hole we played. We worked hard to get 5 birdies and no bogeys the rest of the way and shoot 68. I also played at the crack of dawn on Saturday. We were the third group off at 6:45 AM and I was very happy to get a chance to play with Boyd. We haven't seen each other much lately as he won't play later in the day because it is too hot for him. He's also been busy with family commitments and doesn't like playing weekends because its too crowded. We rode together and got caught up and he and Paul really pushed me on Saturday. I shot 38 on the front, but struggled a little on the back and finished with an 81. Boyd shot 77 and Paul shot 80. Kevin played with us again for the second week in a row and shot 83.
I will be in Vancouver next weekend so the blog will be late by a few days. I get back on Tuesday, but have one of the management trainees from our LA office in and I will join he and Pete for dinner that night. I will get my golf fix in on Friday as we leave Thursday afternoon for Bodega Bay and golf on the Bodega Harbour Golf Links along the ocean in Bodega Bay. We are staying at a little turn of the century (1900's) lodge in Valley Ford on Thursday night and will meet Neil and Lilly and Bob and Vicki there for dinner on Thursday night. It will be a quick turnaround for us as we will drive back Friday night and leave for Vancouver on Saturday morning.
Work continues to go well. We are setting new records as we go and are on track to finish the year at $27,500,000 in premium written. This compares to $13,000,000 that we wrote in 2010. The build out is back on track and I ran into our leasing agent at the grocery store Friday morning when I was picking up breakfast burritos for Matt and I. I asked him how we finally got past the impasse and he said that HE wrote a check for $3,000 and we finally got an agreement. My real estate department were adamant that we would not pay a penny for the build out and they stood strong.
Daniel and Becky are back from their honeymoon and have realized that they have nowhere to store all of the wedding gifts that they received, so will be bringing some of the items up to store in our attic. They had a great and relaxing time in Hawaii. I haven't had a chance to talk to them, but Darla has.
David has interviewed for a new position with a real estate investor in Sacramento. He purchases older buildings in Sacramento and develops them mostly as retail space on the first floor and apartments upstairs. He is looking for an executive assistant with a background in architecture to help him with acquisitions and the design of the new spaces. David's job would be mostly as the project manager at each of the jobsites.
Well, it is late and I need some time with my bride. Again, I will be late with the blog next week, but will return with pictures from our trips to Bodega Bay and Vancouver. I hope you are all doing great. Ciao.