Christmas is fast fading into a memory and New Years is on our minds. It is Boxing Day which has nothing to with pugilism or returning unwanted gifts, but is a holiday for the working servants in the middle ages who were required to work on Christmas Day, but given the 26th off to enjoy with their families. The owners of the large homes would give the servants boxes of gifts to share with their families.
Darla and I have both been fighting a cold over the weekend. We attended Uncle JR's funeral on Thursday and their were a queue of older folks there, many of them with colds and flu and we caught a nasty cold. Darla's dad was fighting the bug and we may have picked it up from him. I was supposed to play golf today, Tuesday and Wednesday. I cancelled today and Neill cancelled tomorrow, so all that I have left is Wednesday.
I did go into the doctor last week to have him check on my right shoulder. I have had continued pain since I fell golfing about two months ago. I was on a muddy hill and my feet went right out from under me and I landed on my right shoulder. I finished the round with a 78 and didn't think much of it, but I have had tremendous pain if I sleep on my right side (I'm a side sleeper). It has gotten progressively worse and I needed to have it checked. My doctor did a few tests and has concluded that I have a torn super spinatus muscle in my right shoulder. It is actually part of the rotator cuff and I will go in for an MRI tomorrow to have the severity of the tear determined. I'm hoping that it is partially torn and I can do Physical Therapy and have the tear repair itself. The worst case is surgery that will require about three months of downtime. I can work, but won't be able to drive or use my right arm for about eight weeks. I wouldn't be in a cast, but in a sling and it would be outpatient surgery. I'll know more tomorrow.
Darla and I are taking advantage of a certificate that I won in a golf tournament in the Summer. We have a one night stay at the Peppermill in Reno with $100 resort credit. I had told her we should use it during the downtime between Christmas and New Years, but when I referenced the certificate, I realized that it expired on December 20th (it was a six month certificate and started on June 20, the day of the tournament). I called and talked to the Charity director at the resort and she agreed to extend the certificate for thirty days, so we will make our way up to Reno on Thursday and stay over until Friday. We will eat at one of their award winning restaurants, either the Bimini Steakhouse, Romanza Italian restaurant or Biscotti's wine bar. We'll see how we feel when we get up there, but it should be fun. We have one of their upgraded Tower rooms with a concierge, so it should be a great time. We'll get out of town before the crazy starts.
Our Christmas celebration was pretty toned down because of how we felt, but we did have the family over on Saturday and fixed a nice prime rib roast. It got done earlier than we expected as we were off to church and it had reached the optimum interior temperature by about 4:30. We took it out of the oven, but it continued to cook and was a bit overdone by the time we ate at 6 PM. It is tough when you have an $89 rack of prime rib and it is done early and part of your party is at their church in Folsom. We did attend the candlelight service at Bayside and Darla and I both worked as ushers. I was in charge of an upper tier that had eight rows. I handed out the offering buckets (four of them) and got three back. I was a little exercised, but one of the kids had set it on the floor at the end of his row. Being elevated, the rows only had one side to enter and exit. I likely seemed a little overbearing, but this is God's money and I was in charge. It all worked out, but freaked me out a little.
Darla's Mom and Dad went to church with us and it was a great service with carols, a good message, a drama that was acted out (actually a dramatic reading) and then the candles. Our church used to use electric lights as the candles. but we have moved back to actual candles now that we are part of Bayside. It is more dramatic. The pastor had the congregation hold the candles low to our side as if hiding the light and then had everyone lift the candles at once to show what it was like when Christians share their light to the world. It was pretty dramatic.
Darla and I got together with Neil and Lilly on Wednesday night for light appetizers and drinks at McCormick Schmick's in Roseville. It was good catching up with them. Neil has finally passed the baton on his job as Tournament Director. It was causing him undue stress and he was making mistakes as he got older. I had planned to step down as Handicapper along with him as we worked so well together, but John, who is the President this year, asked me to stay on. I agreed. We had a nice light dinner with Neil and Lilly and found out all about what is going on with them. Neil hasn't given up his dream of moving to Arizona and they will take a trip in January to scout out places to live. Lilly is not on board with that plan and I'd like to see him give up on it. but he is his own man and will see it through.
Darla has been making some pretty incredible steak soup the last two days, using the leftover prime rib. She sort of made up the recipe, but it has potatoes in it, celery, onion and steak and reminds of Stuart's steak soup at Black Angus steakhouse. We will have some hot leftover prime rib as French dip for dinner tonight while watching the Cowboys play.
The picture of my Underwriting Manager, Pete, above is from our breakfast on Thursday. It was his birthday and I made the waitress tie a balloon to his wrist and pose by the tree. I sent a note to the staff and told them we'd be in late as Pete wanted to go see Santa.
Well, for a sick guy, I made it through this epistle. Sam and Jennifer had a great Christmas and birthday as well. We gave Sam an rc gas controlled car for her backyard and McKenny has yet to get that going. He was going to take it to the rc hobby shop this week to see if they can get it started. It runs on Nitro fuel. I will bid you all adieu and return next week with tales of Reno and our New Years celebration with the boys. Ciao.