A week later and I'm ready to go play golf or lift weights or do something worthwhile. I even saw some protestors of Trump clamoring and waving signs on Saturday here in Roseville and thought it would be nice to be out in the sun getting some exercise. (Exercising your right to protest?). I was kind of surprised to see them in Roseville as this is an enclave of conservative truth in the cesspool of liberal whackoism in California. Governor Brown came out this week and cut funding to middle class families for low cost educational loans, but kept funding for illegals as he said, "The undocumented need further education more". So, he cut funding to US Citizens, but kept in funding for illegals? Somehow the left always manages to make it sound plausible, but it is completely nuts and makes no sense no matter what plane of logic you try to use. The protestors were out to protest Trump as an illegitimate President and to cry for the illegal immigrants being blocked and sent back home. Boo Hoo.
I am ready to get back to work tomorrow. I worked from home Wednesday to Friday/ Gail picked me up Wednesday and took me to an Association luncheon here in Roseville for the annual golf tournament with the Insurance Agents Association. It was just nice to get out of the house and be active for an hour and a half. Funny, though. It wore me out and I had to get a nap in that afternoon. Pete came by on Thursday and we went out to lunch here in Roseville. I also had a committee meeting with the golf group on Friday night and had one of the guys pick me up and take me over. He was supposed to pick me up at 4:45 and there I was outside in my sling and coat waiting for him to come and get me, like a senior waiting for the bus. That was the hardest one of the week as I saw the guys and they are all playing in a qualifier this weekend. One of the guys on the committee had a full shoulder replacement on November 30th and he played golf for the first time on that Friday. Wait. I have rotator cuff arthroscopic surgery and have to wait four to six months to play golf. He has full open surgery where he is in the hospital overnight and is playing in less than three months? I should have had them completely redo the shoulder. Maybe not
It was difficult knowing the guys were out playing golf this weekend. I was going to go over and help out either yesterday or today, but chose not to. It's too hard for me right now. I will get over and help with the scoring and skins in a future tournament. The course is still really soggy, but we had a nice sunny weekend. One of the discussion points was postponing the tournament until March and I was strong on playing this weekend. It was sunny and everyone has to play the same conditions. If you want to stay out of the mud, don't hit it in the rough. I'm glad we decided to play as it was a bright sunny weekend and the membership would have come unglued if we didn't play.
I added a picture of Jennifer and McKenny with their Bob Marley shirts we bought them in Nine Mile. Also a picture of Sam with her new guitar. I guess Jennifer and McKenny took her out shopping for a musical instrument this weekend and she chose a guitar. Lessons are coming for her. McKenny will be a good influence for her as he is a music hound. Finally, a picture of the protestors and one of the fruitless cherry tree in our front yard that promises that Spring is coming. I put down the crabgrass preventer last weekend and will wait until late March to over seed the lawn after we rototill.
Darla and I are planning to have the kitchen cabinets redone this Spring and trying to decide on a color now. We will have the company redo the two guest bathrooms, the hall cabinets and the laundry room. They will come out to give us an estimate and set the date for the job in early April.
Darla and I went out yesterday and watched Luke's basketball game in Folsom and then went out to lunch at an Italian deli/tavern in Granite Bay. We had Panini's and Darla had a great Italian wedding soup that was so good we bought a quart to take home for dinner to pair with the second half of our sandwiches that we had left over from lunch. We got home and both took naps. We decided to watch some Netflix while we had dinner and the service is pushing the show "The Santa Clarita Diet" a sitcom produced for Netflix and starring Drew Barrymore. We knew nothing about it and got into the middle of it while enjoying our dinner. Little did we know that Drew Barrymore plays a housewife that is also a zombie. There is a scene where she is projectile vomiting and then one where she eats the guy that played the lead in the television show "Castle". I didn't finish my soup or sandwich. What is the matter with Hollywood? We did settle down and watch the movie "Boyhood", which is a long study of a young boy growing up over a 12 year period. The fascinating part of the movie is that it was filmed over 12 years and uses the same kids as they grow from elementary school kids to college students. It was well done and worth your time if you have three hours to burn.
I am having trouble staying sedentary and I went out and mowed the lawn on Friday. I protected my arm, but it did open up one of the stitches and I had some discharge. Not the smartest move I've ever made, but proof positive that I am Art Lyon' son. I did call the doctor's office and they told ne to put a dressing over the shoulder and that was "normal". OK. I went out again today and edged the lawn and my neighbor, who saw me in the sling Friday was amazed/ I told him that I wasn't in a cast or anything and the sling is simply to keep my arm against my side so I don't disturb the staples in my shoulder. He kept staring at me like I had two heads.
We were supposed to have company on Saturday as Darla's niece, Taylor, is engaged to her girlfriend and she was coming up from Willets to introduce her to Darla's parents and the family. Daniel was coming up from San Jose with Becky and .Don and Alicia were going to come up after his game. That changed Thursday when Frances had to go into the Emergency room because of breathing difficulties. She was coming down with pneumonia and was put on bed rest. We will meet the fiancé at a later date.
I will see the doctor on Wednesday and I'm looking forward to getting started on rehab. I'm sure I won't do much before the four weeks that I'm supposed to keep wearing the sling, but I'm sure there are a few exercises I can start on to help keep my arm from wasting away. I'd like to do some of the exercises while on the cruise as well.
Darla and I were off to church this morning and it was nice to see everyone and share in the good news. We missed last week as I was recovering from surgery. I have not used any pain meds since last Sunday and I'm feeling really good. Darla is amazed, but as I told her "the arm hurt before surgery and it has some residual pain now, nothing has changed". I wasn't on meds before surgery and I'm not on meds now.
I talked to Darryl last week. He called to see how I was doing and we had a nice visit. I guess they have sold their enormous home in Kansas City and Darryl plans to downsize to a house about 4,000-5,000 square feet. We are in 2100 square feet and thrilled. I told him he should downsize to a Normal house and bank the rest for his retirement. He said downsizing IS going to 4000 square feet. He's in a 850 square foot apartment now. A 2100 square foot 4 bedroom home would seem huge after that. I'm happy for them as I know the house was a burden for them after he took the job in Dallas.
I made the mistake about two weeks ago of making a comment about teachers on a Facebook post by Cheryl. It was about how they spend their own money and put in untold hours on their job that they are never paid for. She had tagged Janelle. My comment was simply: "At least they get summers off." Oh my God, you would have thought the world had ended. I had Cheryl and Cake all over me about how teachers work longer hours than me and work harder. Randy was dying laughing as I was attacked. He was texting me back and forth as the barrage hit and I told him that I wish the hardest part of my day was some kid not having a pencil during an exam. Randy got a big kick out of it. Darla and I were in a life group a few years back with a group of teachers and you have never heard a group of people complain so much about their jobs. The complaint were: "The parents are horrible, the kids have no respect, the school districts are broke", etc., etc. I wanted to ask them who was holding a gun to their heads and making them do this horrible job? Darla and I started showing up late just to not have to listen to the verbal diarrhea of complaints. I guess my reaction to the post was experienced based and took me back to a bad place. At least I offered Randy some yuks that night.
I have my CEO coming into town on the week of March 27th. He is coming in that week and will spend the first part of the week in San Francisco and the last part of the week in Los Angeles. He hasn't decided if he is coming in to see us or going to Fresno on Wednesday. I know that I will be heading into San Francisco to spend a day with him if he decides to go to Fresno, or we will be putting on the dog in my office. He hasn't been to Sacramento since April of 2015, so he is due. We'll see how it goes.
Well, I'm getting tired and ready to take it easy, so I will tell all of you to have a good week. I will have one more blog entry next week and then, believe it or not, we will be off on the cruise. Until then, ciao.