Back to the blog after a wonderful and memorable family reunion in Vegas. Seeing my brothers, Dad and Shirley, Janelle and Aaron with Braden, Jesse, Josh, Jenny, Chris, Sherry and Al and the two Barbie twins, Laurie and Laura (Jesse and Josh's girlfriends) was absolutely wonderful. The only thing that could have made it better was seeing Jennifer there, but as we all know, she has a bit more on her plate in Iraq at the moment.
I feel like I got a good visit with both of my brothers and Dad as we played golf together at Eagle Crest golf course on Friday. Aaron tagged along and made it a fivesome, although Al bowed out as we had an odd number of players. In truth, we had an even number when he was in, but an odd number when he dropped out. Al was concerned about getting on the golf course as we only had a tee time for four of us and driving over in Randy's rental Century. We could have worked it out, but there will be a next time. This was just too much fun to do it once and forget it. It was the first time that all of the Lyon men had played golf together in our lives. Randy, Darryl and I have played several times and I've played with Dad and Shirley several times, but this was a first. True to the calling of men in general, none of us brought a camera to record the event.
We played the par 60 golf course with rental clubs and still played well. I shot 37-36 for 73. Darryl shot 78, Randy, Aaron and Dad were somewhere in the 80's. It wasn't about the score though, and I know we each had a great time and it is a special memory for me.
We met for dinner on Friday night and Shirley and Dad had a reservation for 19 at PF Chang's at the Alladdin. We were seated upstairs and were a boisterous crowd as we enjoyed lettuce wraps, pot stickers, crab won tons, sake, Sapporo and many flavorful and fragrant main dishes. Shirley asked for a menu and we all signed the menu with words of encouragement to Jennifer. We raised our glasses in a toast to her bravery and said a prayer that God keep her in his care while she is in harm's way. It was a party and we all enjoyed ourselves.
Dad and Shirley set up an informal hospitality suite in their room at the Polo Towers and we met each afternoon to socialize and spend some quality time together. Vegas is great, but it can be difficult to get a large group together in any of the casinos. Al, Darryl and I managed to get together at a blackjack table at the Boardwalk and we were soon joined by Jesse and Aaron as we took over the table and had a few laughs playing cards. I was the first one to sit down and the first to leave as my stack of chips grew from $40 to well over $100. I decided to cash in my winnings. I had a hot streak over two hours and hit about a dozen blackjacks, four of which I hit after putting a coin in the 15-1 payout for a blackjack spot, so $60 of my winnings came on that "sucker bet".
The crowd began to thin on Saturday. Randy fell ill and missed the blackjack party. He and his family as well as the boys and their girlfriends all left town late Saturday night with flights back to Dallas. Darryl, Cheryl, Al and Sherry joined Darla and I for dinner out on Saturday night. We all enjoyed Prime Rib and then went out to gamble.
Darryl and Al and Sherry flew out Sunday morning, while Cheryl and Janelle, Aaron and Braden went over to Cheryl's parents' home in Henderson, Nevada. Darla and I were able to visit with Dad and Shirley. We spent time at the pool and then went out to dinner again at PF Changs. We enjoyed it so much Friday night. I told Dad that Darla and I would buy dinner in honor of his birthday (which incidentally made my birthday possible) and he chose PF Changs. We then went over to Monte Carlo and gambled, where I hit a $100 jackpot on nickels (four Aces and a two) and while I was waiting to be paid, I hit four twos and an Ace for 800 coins on the adjacent machine.
We were on our way back to Sacramento Monday morning filled with some good memories and a hardcore tiredness that is just now beginning to wane. I guess I'm too old to stay up until 3 a.m. three nights in a row, eh? We will do this again and Jennifer will be in the middle of it next time. I hope all are well and happy and invested in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Ciao.
Jennifer sent her Mom an e-mail and she has met some young hunk in Baghdad. He is from Florida and supposedly in the Army as well. She seemed like she was having a good time and we are all so happy for her. To be 23 and free in Iraq? maybe not so great. Take care.
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