Monday, May 07, 2007

This weekend just blew me away!

Literally. Sustained winds of 20-30 MPH and wind gusts of 40-50MPH. Just a great weekend for golf. I played both days and struggled to a 45+42=87 on Saturday. Unfortunately, that was my good round over the weekend. Sunday I teed off at 11:30 and shot 50+44=94 in winds that were extreme. I also had my allergies in full arrest and runny eyes, nose, mouth. Trust me, it wasn't pretty. We had eight players walk off the course because of either illness or just confoundedness. I hung in there and even won $15 in skins on Saturday and $18 in skin money on Sunday. At one point Sunday, I had five straight 6's on my card with five three putts. It was one of those days where the ball was rimming the cup and horseshoeing out of the hole. After awhile I felt like the Dallas Mavericks against the Warriors and just sort of gave up. My Net scores of 75 and 82 were more like Gross scores. Gross is right. We have one more day of golf in this tournament and I will hang in there and see if I can pull off a closest to the pin or a day low score or something. I have shot myself out of the tournament, however. It's been awhile since I've gone through a down spell in golf, so I guess I was due.

On a brighter note, I hosted poker on Friday night and made $162. I won the three largest pots of the night, one of them over $100 and cruised to the total winnings. Most of my guests lost money, but hey, I provided sandwiches!

It was actually warm over the weekend with temperatures in the 80's on Saturday and 90's yesterday. Today is supposed to be breezy and 94 degrees, but so far it is calm and I can feel the heat growing outside. We didn't get in the pool this weekend because of the wind and the fact that the wind cooled the pool temperature. Hopefully next weekend we will see warm temperatures and calm winds and be able to swim. I think we will invite the family over for Mother's day.

Jennifer and John leave Friday for Las Vegas. They will drive up to Sacramento Thursday morning and have lunch with Darla and I at Benihanas. They will be up about 2 AM for the trip to Las Vegas. John is driving a U-Haul and pulling his truck behind. Jennifer will drive her TC. I had invited them to dinner on Thursday, but they have to be up so early on Friday and wanted to get to bed early that night. I'll miss her, but she is just a short flight away and she and John are really happy.

Darla and I need to have a conversation with our neighbor, Elizabeth this week. Her son, Christian, turned 21 this week and had a huge party on Saturday night that kept us awake until 3:30 AM. The kids were in the backyard screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs. We tried to call the house and ask them to take the party inside, but they didn't answer the phone and finally Darla called the Roseville Police and asked them to make a house call and close down the party. We missed church and slept in Sunday morning as we were exhausted. (I found out later that the children's choir was performing and the kids were all in the auditorium again, so it was a blessing that I didn't go). Our neighbor's have always been great and this is a first. We want to make sure that it is the last as well. The police asked if we wanted to make a formal complaint and we said no. If it happens again, we will make a complaint. I found cigarette butts and cups in my backyard Sunday and tossed them all back over the fence into their yard.

I was going to rent a U-Haul myself this weekend and haul the junk I'd piled behind the shed off to the dump. The cost of the rental was $19.95 plus $.69 a mile and any insurance and gas. I figured it would cost me about $60 to rent the pick-up and then $16 at the dump for $76. I ended up calling a hauling service and they hauled it all away for $100 and loaded it all up and swept the driveway clean. That was the way to go. Thank you 1-800-Got Trash?

We are without our Explorer as Darla had a little fender bender last week that caused a problem with our front bumper. Traffic started up from a light and someone stalled. The car in front of Darla plowed into the stopped car and Darla hit him. She is driving a little Kia Rio now as a rental and it is a hilarious little car. She should have her SUV back this week.

Daniel has started his job at the sandwich shop and has been working two weeks. He got a call from his Engineering teacher and he had an internship available for Daniel with an Engineering firm. Daniel had mixed feelings as he was working for a friend, but the engineering apprenticeship would be great. He ended up interviewing for the position and they wanted someone who was local so they could stay on past the Summer. Dan was bummed, but he is, after all, a sandwich engineer now.

On that note, I have to get payroll in, so I will bid you adieu until next time. Ciao.

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