Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Jennifer and John, sitting in a tree..

Everyone knows that I'm a conservative SOB, and, hey, when the shoe fits...I wish the news that I had was that Jennifer and John are getting married, but...in truth, Jennifer is pregnant. It is a planned pregnancy and both Jennifer and John are thrilled. (And here I was worried about tattoos!) My concerns are health insurance and the future of both Jennifer and the baby. Both Jennifer and I and John and I had long conversations yesterday and where I stand is not a gray area. I'd like to see the commitment to marriage from both of them and a good home established for my Grandchild. John said all the right things to me, that they definitely see themselves in a married, committed relationship in the near future and that the pregnancy has turned up the timetable on their relationship. I sincerely hope that there is a marriage before a birth, but I can't live their lives for them or force my morals on to them. I can and I have given them my advice and my counsel and always my love. They have some big decisions to make and my prayer is that the Lord can guide them and hold them in His loving arms as they move forward in their lives. Pray for them as they make some tough decisions. And, hey, pray for me as well. I need the peace that comes from understanding.

That nursery rhyme goes: "First comes Love, then comes a Baby, then"...wait a minute. Ciao.

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