Well, that was a fun and invigorating visit. Jennifer is a great Mom, very patient and attentive to her daughter's needs. Samantha can be a little cranky and has a strong personality. She wants things a certain way and if she isn't held properly (facing out so she can see what is around her), she will let you know. Her personality is really beginning to assert itself. She smiles and is extremely curious about what is around her. She loves lights and bright colors. She has the most beautiful blue eyes and is definitely a Mommy's girl. When no one else can settle her down, Jennifer can relax her and she will stop crying. Samantha had more quiet, relaxed times this trip. She went out to dinner with us on my birthday to Benihana's and was really good until the waiters and staff showed up with drums and bells to sing Happy Birthday to me. She didn't like that at all.
Daniel even made it home as one of his friends from Sacramento drove home to see her younger brother baptized at church and Daniel hitched a ride. Daniel also brought his girlfriend home. She is a bright, intelligent young lady who scored higher than Daniel on the SATs. Daniel is somewhat competitve so they did on online IQ test and he scored just barely above his girlfriend. I can't remember her name right now so we'll go with girlfriend. I met her briefly on Sunday before they all drove back to Cal Poly, but had Samantha on my lap and the young lady didn't really venture far into the living room as we had Darla's sister and her folks over to spend time with Jennifer and Samantha. I love the picture of Samantha sitting with Frances and how Samantha is resting her elbow on Frances' arm. Very cute.
Spring will come in on Thursday, but the warm temperatures are already here. We had 74 degrees yesterday and I spent the afternoon out by the pool planting some ground cover. It was warm and the day was blue skies and no wind and I am ready for some lazy days on the pool soon. I took yesterday off to spend with Jennifer and Samantha. We got up at 7:30 and were off to a restaurtant in Old Town Roseville for breakfast by nine o'clock. Samantha slept through our breakfast and we had a nice visit with Jennifer. Darla joined us and it was nice and relaxing. We went home and took it easy at the house. Jennifer played my new Tiger Woods PGA Wii game (which she bought me for my birthday) and I fell asleep on the couch for about 45 minutes. Jennifer's friend Sara came over and we visited with her and her two kids for awhile and then packed up and took Jennifer and Samantha to the airport. It was a really nice visit and I got to spend some fun time with both Jennifer and Samantha. I need to practice up on the Tiger Woods game as both David and Jennifer are already better than I am at Wii golf.
Darla got up at 5:20 AM this morning to go to her spin class at the gym and Buddy had been sick last night several times. The room was a landmine and she decided to clean it up and skip the gym. Buddy is getting older. He is about 15 now which equates to ancient in people years. I'm sure she'll be working on those spots in the carpet for a few days.
I did finish my 54 hole tournament this weekend. Rick and I played really well on Saturday in the two man scramble portion of the tournament and shot a 74, which with our 14 strokes gave us a 62. Sunday however was our armegeddon as we woke up to 30 MPH winds and it was cold and nasty. We shot 43+43=86 in an alternate shot format that gave us a 72. The problem with wind is it increases my handicap from 10 to 14 and Rick from 18 to 25. He couldn't hit a shot to save his life and I was alll over the place. If I had a bad hole, we had a bad hole. Rick and I as a team played three rounds and never had a birdie. Hard to do. I could have shot better than 86 myself if I'd played my own ball. The problem with alternate shot is that you are only as good as the position that your partner puts you in.
As of this weekend, Darla has qualified for the January 2009 trip to Atlantis in the Bahamas with Sipada. Darla continues to excel at the Silpada jewelry business and I am just along for the ride. I've never been to the Bahamas, so it will be fun for me. I'm really proud of her. She works hard at the business and it is paying off in a big way.
Well, this is short and a day late. I need to get at my desk after being gone yesterday. I'll be in tomorrow, but I'm leaving for Ukiah after luch and will be there overnight tomorrow and be back on Thursday night. Darla is joining me on the trip. I hope you all are well. Happy Easter...He Is Risen!!
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