David had a weird experience as they were walking to the restaurant from Nob Hill. They passed the corner of Kearney and Clay about a block from the restaurant and one of the "street people" jumped up from the corner and shoved a lighter into David's side. David thought it was a knife and shoved the guy back away from him. One of the shop owner's came out and talked to David and asked him to call the police. Apparently this mental moron had been doing this all morning. He'd done it to a Mexican guy and that guy clocked him and dropped him on the sidewalk. The guy was deranged as he was muttering to himself and walking around barefoot. David said his adrenaline was flying as he thought he was in a fight.
We ate well, family style, and enjoyed visiting. I said goodbye to Daniel who was catching a ride with Becky back to the college. David came back home and left on Friday with Darla and Alicia. David has an off campus apartment that has three bedrooms and he is supposed to have roommates, but so far, it is just him. The college added more on campus housing this year and right now there is a glut. So, David has a 1100 square foot apartment by himself. The drawback is he has to pay the cable, food, etc. by himself right now.
I played golf on Wednesday with Gary Anderson at Serrano Country Club where we will play in the Claim Jumper Invitational on Thursday-Friday and Saturday of this next week. I shot 83 there and followed that up with an 83 Saturday at Diamond Oaks and then an 84 today at Diamond. Same game, different days.
I was supposed to play poker on Friday night, but Steve ended up having to go to the hospital with chest pains brought on by stress. He has had a heart attack before and it took three nitroglycerin tablets and some other pills to settle his system down. They let him out Thursday, but poker was cancelled. I made up for the loss of the poker night by going to the Thunder Valley Casino on Saturday night. I took $60 and playing nickles ended up leaving with $225 after being up over $300 at one point. It was a good "time spender" and I made $165. Not too shabby.
Work is going well. One of my employees did not return from her maternity leave, so I am filling a position now and we really need typing help. my typing unit went from two typists to one in the cutback and my service has dropped from 20 days on policies to almost 50 days. It is horrible and I've got the San Francisco office helping out with their typing pool right now. I'm looking at adding someone in my Modesto office and having their onsite employee go to work for Sacramento. She can type.
Darla is on her way home and called me from Lodi. I have some meat on the grill, some dinner rolls ready to brown, the baked potatoes cleaned and poked with a fork in preparation for the microwave, and some corn also ready to be heated in the micro. Dinner is a little late tonight, but I offered to cook if she could get home early enough. She managed to do it.
I may add more later, but the Sunday night game is coming out of halftime and I should really cook from nearer the barbecue. Ciao.

Sunday Night 9:05 PM

Obviously, Darla made it home and told me to add these pictures to the blog (Whose Blog is this, anyway?) She had a great time with the boys and her sister. They went to Pismo Beach today before driving home. David got moved in and they locked the other two bedrooms, so his space doesn't seem so big. David also, in his haste to leave town forgot his television here in his room. It is a flat screen TV with a DVD player and he packed up and left without it. His Dad is going down in the next couple of weeks, so he can take it then. That's it. I'll blog next week. Ciao.
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