Bob's daughter, Stephanie, sent me some more pictures from Reno and I added those along with a picture of one of my underwriters, Pete, and his wife Vicki. We took them out to dinner at Redhawk Casino in Placerville to celebrate a really good month that Pete had in March. Pete is a kick and we had a great time harassing the waiter and waitress and eating some really good food. We ate at Henry's steakhouse in the casino and they had aged beef and great appetizers, salads, sides and wine. We enjoyed it all and then did a bit of gambling and met them back upstairs to listen to some good country music from a local band that was playing.
As I was writing this, Darla sent me a picture of she and her Mom from the event she did up in Paradise. Frances showed up and helped Darla run the booth at one of the local parks in Paradise. Darla was gone last night ansd stayed with her parents. Also, Diane and Bob were in Vegas last week and sent some pictures of Samantha for us. Nice. Jennifer is trying to grow Samantha's bangs out, but they need to be cut. I remember that Jennifer had the same hair as Samantha and it was always a struggle.
You can see the snow still up on the mountains in Reno. It is hanging around a little longer this year and we have another storm blowing in this week. I'm also in the middle of a re roof and right now we have new plywood, gutters and felt paper on the roof. The storm is due in Tuesday and the roofer is hoping to get the inspection signed off and the new shingles up on Monday. The crew has done a great job and cleaned up well after themselves, but the crew that put the felt on Saturday took the scraps and jammed them in my garbage can. Not cool. Hopefully they get done Monday or we will be living with a large garbage bag on our house through Wednesday when the storm is supposed to blow out of here.
I have also signed a contract to have the back patio stained by a landscaping professional. I got tired of doing it every year and now have a warranty that it will last. They plan to be out on Thursday and do the stain and seal.
I played golf yesterday and today in the Roseville City Amateur. I played okay yesterday, but finished poorly, shooting an 85. Today, my tee time was 9:40 AM and I got to the course about 9 AM and checked in and went to breakfast at the grill. Just as my breakfast sandwich arrived, they called me to the tee. Apparently, the time had changed overnight to 9:16 AM. and the genius in the pro shop didn't share that with me. I rushed over to the tee and teed off. We couldn't find my drive in the right rough, that borders the driving range and is choked with driving range balls and I had to take the walk of shame back to the tee and hit another shot. I really wasn't ready to go and was getting hot. I ended up with a 7 on the par 4 and shot 44 on the front side. I called it a day and withdrew from the tournament. I had a splitting headache and my game was not up to my standards and there was plenty I could do back at the house.
I was out last night at Thunder Valley Casino and had gone in order to watch one of our local athletes, Urijah Faber fight in a WEC event. It is mixed martial arts and the event was televised on pay per view. The casino had the fight on their television monitors that are all over the casino. He was pretty soundly defeated, although it was by decision and at 30 his career is likely over. I stayed on for a bit at the casino, lost about $50 and headed home.
I worked on the yard, repaired a sprinkler line, planted some more groundcover around the pool where the Goof-Off that the landscaper used to strip the stain from the concrete leached into the plants. Our groundcover is extremely hardy and I can clip and replant the groundcover to fill in any spots that are a little thin. I also cleaned the pool and added chlorine and brushed it. I also managed to find time to fall asleep for a couple of hours on the couch in the living room. It was about 80 degrees today and a great weekend.
Up soon for us is our trip to Las Vegas in May. Our friends have bailed on us and if Darryl and Cheryl don't end up joining us we may have Mike and Jennifer join us over the weekend if we don't end up with friends as we have a two bedroom condo just off the strip.
Dad and Shirley are off to Europe and another marathon cruise. They left from Florida yesterday and will be on the water until Thursday crossing the Atlantic.
I did get the Modesto office shut down last Thursday. I picked one guy to take the file cabinets. he was waiting for me when I got there, but decided not to take them as they were "bigger than they looked in the pictures". I was planning to do a walk through with the property manager at 11:00 AM, so scrambled and called three people on my list getting voice mail for all of them. When I was calling the fourth, one guy called me back and was there in fifteen minutes. He had a dolly and a Ford Ranger. He jammed all three of them onto the back of his pickup, tied them down and was gone. I did the walk through with the landlord and gave her the keys and fairly danced back to my car and waved goodbye to Modesto as I drove back to the office.
Well, the update is short on content, but big on pictures, so i will call it a night. I hope all is well with you and Spring is taking hold. The warmth of the sun does fabulous things for the psyche. be well. Ciao.
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