The pictures above are young Lucas Alexander and of the River Cruise we took with Colony Insurance on Thursday night. The picture of the boys is Peter, Anthony and myself. The white ramp behind us is the one that David designed when he was working for Hallsten. My assistant, Cora, is in the red and white top and her niece, Toni-Anne is in the red and white top. Connie is Gail's assistant and Gail was missing the shindig with some medical issues. The next to last picture also includes Cindy and Terri. Cindy is Renee's assistant and Terri is Pete's second assistant. The bottom picture shows Renee on the right. Initially only the underwriters were invited on the dinner cruise, but I asked our underwriter to include the assistants as well. I am very big on TEAM and the assistants are as much responsible for our success with Colony as the underwriters. It helps that we are on track to write over $4,000,000 in business with Colony this year, by far their biggest agent in California. The assistants in particular enjoyed the three hour cruise, the dinner and the open bar. It was a very nice perk for us and the only problem was that spouses weren't invited.
I mention the heat and we warmed up into the low 90's this weekend and the pool heated up to over 82 degrees and Darla and I were swimming for the first time this year. I played golf today in the 93 degree heat and it was nice to get back home and submerge in the pool. I just got out about twenty minutes ago and Darla is napping on our bed after spending the day in the sun. Jennifer sent me a text on Friday that showed the forecast for Vegas as 106 degrees, 107 degrees, 108 degrees and 108 degrees for Friday - Tuesday. Now THAT is HEAT!! I have finally had a chance to use our attic fan this year and it is awesome. In the early evening, when it is cooler outside than in the house, we turn on the attic fan for fifteen minutes and you can feel the cool air being drawn into the house. Very nice.
Darla and I had a day together on Saturday and we re screened the screen doors and Darla sanded and painted the screen frames and the slider door jams with a black metallic paint. It looks really nice and adds to the newness seen around our house. She was concerned with over spray getting onto the newly painted house, but she did a great job.
Alicia had her baby on Wednesday, an 8 lb, 1 oz 21 inch long little boy named Lucas Alexander Hochenadal. God bless him. Alicia actually stopped contractions on Tuesday night after getting the epidural and then started contractions again in the early morning hours of Wednesday. Lucas was born at 5:15 AM and finally got out of the hospital on Saturday after being jaundiced and requiring some special blue lights to get him well. He was turned in the birth canal and his forehead hit her pubic bone and he was born with a bit of a conehead and with a large red welt on his forehead. Darla and I went to see him on Friday night. Don and Alicia were in a maternity room, but Alicia was considered a "boarder" as she had been officially released Friday morning. Alicia still had a bed and Lucas was in a bassinet in the room. I'm sure they were thrilled to get back home as this all started on Tuesday.
Darla and I spent a good part of Saturday on the pool as we relaxed and read our books. It was so nice after all of the stress and mess we have put up with on both the roofing job and the paint job. I ended up spending $500 on 20 hours of work that the handyman did. The only problem I had is that part of the repairs were built into the bid I got from the painter. I asked him about it and was pretty steamed when he told me that the repairs were over his head and he had to call in a handyman (and that's my problem how?). IF there is a next time, I will use my own handyman and make the painter live up to the terms of the contract. He is a friend of Darla's via one of her Silpada gals (her husband) and I didn't want to make too big of a stink. I think this job was bigger than he thought, it took him longer and used more paint than he had anticipated and he was cutting his losses at my expense. Too bad, because the job he did is excellent.
I have golf tomorrow at Lincoln Hills Golf Course with the IBA Golf tournament that I am the golf chairman of and then have one of my underwriters in from Burlington Insurance who is taking some of us golfing on Wednesday at Apple Mountain Resort in Placerville.
I played today and continued the confounding good nine, bad nine trend that I've been in lately. I shot 40 on the front side and ran out of gas on the back with a 44 that included a 6 on a par three were I hooked the ball out of bounds. Bob continued his stellar play, following his 71 last week with a 73 today. He is on my team tomorrow and I look forward to having him drive the team.
Well, that is it for this week. I hope you are all well and living La Vida Cristo. Ciao.
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