These are a couple of pictures from David's blog. He is wearing a cap in both of them. If you want to see more, check out his blog in the link on the right of the page. David's new camera takes some awesome pictures.
It has been about 2 inches of rain so far, but it didn't stop us from golfing on Saturday. If you want to see idiots, go out to a golf course when it's raining, there's always a few in evidence. The rain came in on Friday and we got a good soaking. I played poker with the guys Friday and told them that the tournament would be on in the morning. At the time, it was pelting down rain. The guys all said, "No way!!" The forecast was for a slight break in the storm pattern Saturday morning with the bulk of the storm coming in Saturday afternoon into today. The forecast was right on. We teed off at 10:45 in a slight drizzle, which lasted three holes and gave way to sunshine by the 4th hole. The winds were gusting up to 40 MPH and it was miserable on the course. We didn't see rain until we were off the course though.It rained hard overnight. I took my turkey certificate won at the tournament and did some shopping Saturday night, picking up a hen turkey and some other things and got drenched packing the car. I then ran to the local Mexican food Cantina and picked up a chicken burrito and some chips and salsa for dinner. I have the other half of the burrito for dinner tonight. I also bought a nice pot roast for dinner Tuesday night when Darla gets home. I'm ready for some comfort food after batching it for a week.
I awoke today, a little later than normal and the rain had stopped overnight. I was able to get out and clean up the pool, drain the pool, and clean up leaves from the downfall of the grove of trees in the park across the street. I did the backyard in the morning and went back out a little after 4 PM to work on the front and the sky turned really dark and hail started pelting me about half way through the task. At one point, I took shelter in the garage as it was really sheeting down. It stopped as quickly as it began, but turned to rain, so I finished up and headed inside to work on my blog and have some dinner while watching the Sunday night NFL game on television.
Darla gets home tomorrow night at ten o'clock after traveling all day. She leaves Rome at 9:50 AM, which is 12:50 AM our time, flies to Newark, NJ arriving at 1:30 PM. She then has a three hour layover in New Jersey before flying out of there at 4:30 and arriving in Sacramento at 10:07 PM. She will be dead tired as that is 7 AM Rome time. It will take her a few days to get caught up. She sent me an e-mail mid-week and asked me to add some money to her account as she was running low. Yeah, I'm just here working for the man, here to help my wife spend some Euros to help the European economy. It sounds like she's had a great time, but we haven't spoken since she left last week. It will be GREAT to have her home.
I have fixed up the guest bedroom and rearranged our bedroom and closet since she left. I'd hoped to get to the laundry room which is stacked with furniture and jewelry, etc. from the remodeling of this room, but I think Darla and I will tackle that together next weekend. I also fixed her driver's side seat, which had a panel break loose when the side clip had broken on the plastic covering over the controls facing the door. I simply used some gorilla tape and secured the panel to the seat frame from the bottom of the panel.
Poker was fun and it actually kept me out of the casino this trip. I usually make a run to the local Indian casino when Darla is gone to kill time and have some fun. I had so much good luck on Friday night, taking over $100 from my friends, that I decided not to press my luck. I ended up getting a video "Get Him to the Greek", a sophomoric comedy that was two hours of mindless fun.
Saturday, we started golf in the rain and the scores were really ballooning in the weather. The wind ruined a few rounds, including Pamas in my flight, a 4 handicap that shot 85. I also had a 5 handicap in the group that shot 80. I managed my game well and only had one double bogey on my way to a 42+40=82, net 72. My handicap dropped on Nov. 15 to 9.7 which nets me a 10 on Diamond. 9.8 is an 11. I took low net in my flight with a 72 and won $35 in a Raley's gift card and did go buy a turkey. I hope that Darla will fix us a turkey on Saturday as we will be at Darla's Mom and Dad's house for Thanksgiving (I want leftovers). I also snuck out on Wednesday for some "Sports Marketing" and took one of my agents out to Winchester CC for a round. It was 72 degrees and sunny on Wednesday, but the course was set up tough and we all struggled. Matt from my office played with one of his agents, Micah, who is a 9.4 handicap. Micah shot 98, Matt had 95, I shot 90 and Gary (my agent who is a 6) shot 85. We stunk up the joint, but had a great time together golfing and fixing the state of the insurance markets as we played.
I received Randy's ProV1s as payoff of our World Series' bet and there was a handwritten note from Cake in the package that said: "I hope you sink all of these....in a lake!" I texted Randy and told him what her note said and he says she takes good dictation. All in fun and I've got another dozen Pro V1s. I hope all are well. Dad and Shirley are out to dinner tonight to celebrate their 10th anniversary. 10 years already, that's amazing. I have trouble remembering that Darla and I have been married for 14 years, too. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Ciao.
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