You can see the absolute excitement of Christmas Day in the picture of me fast asleep on the couch. We had the boys over in the morning and opened gifts. Darla fixed a nice quiche for us and the boys ate and said their goodbyes as they were off to a day with their Dad at his cousin's house. The basketball games came on and I found my spot on the couch and slowly my eyes grew tired and soon I was off to dreamland. The boys were over the night before and we watched "The Help" on dvd, the second time for Darla and I. If you haven't seen it, do. We also made it out to the Christmas Eve service at church which was very nice.
The weather here has been the same for weeks on end. Freezing temperatures overnight and then crisp, clear days with temperatures into the sixties. The forecast is changing this week with some clouds rolling in and the freeze moving out and perhaps even some rain by the end of the week. This has been the driest December on record for Sacramento with only a trace of rain for the whole month. I am off to Morgan Creek Country Club at noon today for a round of golf with Neil, Boyd and Pamas. I set the round up late in the day because Matt in my office wanted to join us, but would be in the Bay Area. I accommodated him and then he texted me last night that he wouldn't be able to make it. Neil filled in, but my concern is getting in 18 holes as we tee off at 12:48 PM. The pro said to get there early and he'd try to get us on the course before our tee time. We'll see. With the frost this morning, they probably won't start teeing off until 9:30 or so.
Darla just joined the land of the living and she is fixing me some left over quiche. Life is good.
You can see in the pictures above the sky over Vegas on Christmas day. Someone had a skywriter put up Lyon Heart in the sky. Jennifer got a picture of it and was tickled. I also have a picture of my hats in the master bathroom. Darla told me I either had to downsize on the hats or find a place to store them. I put up a set of racks above the belts and the mirror and problem solved. I did throw out a few hats, including a couple of Darla's and she was less than pleased.
It is a short week this week with Monday off. Originally, Friday was a holiday on the original work schedule, but because it is the last day of the month and the year, they changed it to a work day and gave everyone a floating holiday to use between December 1st and January 6th. I am taking the 6th of January off when Samantha and Jennifer join us. I am in the middle of both employee reviews and the 2012 budget at work and it should be quiet enough to get a lot of that accomplished this week. The budget is due on Friday and the reviews sometime in January. The employees are working on their self reviews now.
We were supposed to go over to Don and Alicia's on Saturday for prime rib. They went out and bought a $100 prime rib and then Lucas got sick with the flu on Saturday and passed it to both Alicia and Don. Don went ahead and cooked up the meat on Saturday and must have a refrigerator full of meat now. Darla had bought a prime rib as well and ended up cooking it Saturday night and the boys pretty well devoured it. We had bought two pies from Nations for the meal at Don's house that we are slowly eating.
The Dallas Cowboys remain alive for their division championship, almost unbelievably as the New York Giants gagged on their game with the Redskins. They will play in New York on Sunday with the winner moving on to the playoffs. I don't know what to expect as the team has played brilliantly and horribly at different times this year. At least it will make for some interesting football this weekend.
I got out to Serrano Country Club on Thursday and played golf with Gary, my agent who is a member there. Last time I shot 84 in winds of 45 MPH. This trip saw another 84, but in ideal conditions, playing wise. We got stuck behind the LPGA, three groups of women that were on a social outing. It took us two and a half hours to play 6 holes and we ended up skipping ahead to number 12, playing the back nine in a little over an hour and then coming back to play the five holes we missed. It was a bit of a cut up 18 holes of golf, but we made it through.
Darla has left for a scheduled visit with the natural parents of a couple of her foster kids that she supervises as a social worker. She will pick the kids up from the foster parents and meet the natural parents at a McDonald's for their hour visit. I will head out to golf and meet up with her later this afternoon.
Jennifer got moved into her new apartment this weekend and it will be just her and Samantha for the time being. I'm happy for her and I think this is something that she and Samantha need at this point. She has depended on others so much in her life for shelter and has always been at the mercy of her relationship. She needs to develop a solid home for Samantha and let her personal life play out separate from her relationship with Sam. Jennifer and John are getting along better which is great for Samantha. They were able to have dinner with Sam on her birthday and then open presents together at John's house on Christmas morning. I am very happy for Samantha.
Well, that is it for this week. The New Year beckons next weekend and I wish you all a happy and healthy 2012. Ciao.