Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wet Leaves, Fires and cooler weather

We are definitely not in Mexico anymore as the weather in Northern California has turned wet and cold. Darla and I have been burning a fire in the fireplace the last few evenings and she has a big pot of chicken and asparagus soup on the range awaiting dinner. She just ran out to get us some hot french bread from the store to go with the meal. I just came in from muscling wet leaves out of the gutters, sidewalks, driveway, flowerbeds and lawn and putting them in piles on the street for pickup by the city. If we don't get a heavy wind between now and pickup, my plan may actually work. There were some high school kids across the street playing a game of tackle football and they were completely muddy and having a great time. Their parents won't be too thrilled when they get home and drag mud throughout the house, though.

I did get in a game of golf yesterday between rainstorms. It was actually fairly warm just after we teed off, but the winds blew in and the clouds with it and the sun left us and the temperature dropped pretty substantially on the back nine. I managed a 40+44=84 and got a $20 gift certificate to the grocery store for my troubles. Darla was quick to glom on to the gift card and took it with her to get supplies tonight. It was our Turkey Shoot tournament and I stayed late with Gary to post scores for the tournament. I have been asked by the incoming President of RGC to take over as Handicapper this year and I was working with Gary to see how the job has change din the nine years since I held the position. Not tremendously, actually, just a better use of technology and handicapping programs. I will take over in January and have asked Darla for a new laptop for Christmas. I have the desktop here at home which is getting dated and I can use the laptop for the Handicap Director position with the club. Gary has been great in showing me the ropes and I told him that I'd keep the position warm for him this year. He has been our handicapper for about seven years.

I had to run by the new office site this week to take a look at some possible temporary space that we may occupy before we move into the new redesigned space. Our current landlord has a trigger in our lease that allows them to increase our rent 100% if we decided to stay over. Our leasing agent had a meeting with them on Friday to see if they would waive the trigger and they can continue to see some revenue for the space past December 15th. I'm not willing to pay $18,000 a month for 5500 square feet. Our new lease is only $8,500 for 4000 square feet. Hopefully he made some headway as I really don't want to move twice. Obviously, if we have a fallback position and they realize that they are about to lose us, they will come to their senses. I would think it would be better to have three or four months at $9,000 than another vacancy in their 60% occupied building. This is a new owner that just bought the buildings in Rancho Cordova in June. I've included some pictures of the building as well as some pictures of my cute little granddaughter.

The boys will be home this week and we will celebrate Thanksgiving. They will be with their dad on Turkey Day as the Niners are on that night and we will go up to Darla's folks in Paradise on Friday. Daniel is a short timer as he will graduate in December, although he will walk in the ceremony in June. Hopefully, he finds a job quickly, maybe with Cal Trans or the Army Corps of Engineers. David has two more quarters left and will graduate in June, although he is two years older than Daniel. I think he just likes school.

We tried to Skype with Jennifer and Samantha on Friday, but Sam wasn't interested and frustrated her Mom too much. Jennifer is enjoying her job and will finally get to spend some time in Vegas working now that her company hired another tech in California. She was not happy being away from Sam so much during the week. Check out her Facebook page, they were making cupcakes this afternoon.

My Underwriting Manager, Pete, has been invited to Home Office (Headquarters) for some training and an opportunity to meet all of the Home Office managers and underwriters/departments. It will be a good trip for him and now he'll have some idea of what I do when I'm back there. He flies in December 4 and flies back on the 7th and he will be busy from 7AM until 10:00 PM every night. I look forward to hearing how he handles the jetlag. That trip follows his annual trip to Cabo San Lucas, where he leaves Thanksgiving Day and returns the following Thursday.

Well, Thanksgiving this week. I will return to the blog next week with pictures and tales of all of the overindulgence. Hope all of you have a blesses Thanksgiving as well. Just remember WHO give thanks to, eh? Ciao!

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