Monday, January 17, 2011

More pictures from the snow trip

Jennifer came through with some pictures from the trip. You can see by the icicles just how much snow and weather Tahoe has had. There are huge icicles that reach from the roof of two story homes all the way to the ground. Amazing.
I've also included a shot of Earl and Frances and their only great grandchild (Samantha) and Alicia's son, (their grandson) Lucas.
Today was MLK day here in the US of A and it was absolutely DEAD at work. I turned the staff loose at 3:00 PM and stayed until closing myself, but no phones were ringing and no e-mails were coming in. I think the few insurance offices that were open today closed at noon. I got my Facebook page updated and cleared out all of my new business quotes. It was a yawner of a workday.
I will play in an NCGA qualifier with Steve next weekend. it is two days and we proceed to Monterey in June if we qualify. There are 20 eligible teams and two will make it to Monterey. We played a practice round on Saturday and I shot a bloated 90, but we shot 66 as a team. Steve played well, so here's hoping I'm saving my best golf for Saturday and Sunday.
That's it for this week as I just wanted to get Jennifer's pictures posted. Hope you all have a great week and I'll update my success or failure in the qualifier next Sunday night. Ciao for now.

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