It is amazing to me how fast the Fall has come and gone. It seems like we were just swimming and relaxing in the pool two weeks ago. Oh, wait, we were, but that was Nuevo Vallarta. Dad and Shirley are in Hawaii and I lost their e-mail that said when they would be back. I know they left the week that we were in Mexico. Darla has the tree up and the house decorated, but I won't put the lights on the house until next weekend. It has to be December for me before we start burning the Christmas lights on the house.
The boys were home for Thanksgiving and they ventured out Thursday night to get the Black Friday deals. What a marketing gimmick the retailers have come up with and how the American public follows in line like sheep. WalMart will bring in 25 42 inch tvs and sell them for $199 and 500 people will show up with pepper spray in hand to try to get one of the loss leaders. I've learned to do almost all of my shopping online and tomorrow is Cyber Monday, another gimmick, but one that they can't limit quantities on. I'm in the market for a new laptop as I'll be working this next year as the handicapper for our golf club and want to be able to use a laptop to store all of my handicapping tools and programs on. I was thinking of getting an HP laptop, but Daniel talked me out of it and has me looking at a Lenovo. He had all sorts of problems with his and now Darla's has a short in it where you have to have the lid open about eight inches for the screen to turn on. Both David and Daniel have Lenovo's and swear by them. We'll see.
We had a very nice holiday weekend with temperatures close to 70 degrees once the sun came out. Friday was gorgeous with a bright blue sky and warm temperatures. I woke up about *;00 AM and realized that I had forgot to put out the trash the night before and ran out to see if it had already come. It had. The day was so nice that I threw on some sweats and washed the 300 for our trip to Paradise and Darla's folks for our one day late thanksgiving celebration. Darla and i had fixed a small turkey on Thursday and watched NFL games all day. I think Darla was on overload by the time Baltimore had wrapped up their game against the Niners.
The drive up to Paradise was nice, but it got colder and more overcast the farther north we went. It had rained overnight in Paradise and everything was fresh and clean and the sun finally showed it's face about 2 PM. We ate a big helping of Thanksgiving fare and I promptly fell asleep on Earl and Francis' very comfortable recliner in the living room. The guys were playing cards and I said that I'd catch the next game, that I was just going to close my eyes for a minute and woke up 90 minutes later. I gave Earl a bad time as we hadn't been up to see them since Easter. I told him that and he said that we never come see him. I told him that I come up every time I get invited.
I did play golf on Saturday and unlike Friday it was foggy, wet and cold. i played with Boyd, Matt and Darren and I shot 41+44=85. Matt shot 81, Boyd had his regular 78 and Darren shot 94. It was good being out with the guys and I enjoyed getting a little exercise after all the heavy meals of the two prior days. I then went out and raked leaves off the side street side of our house. I have six trees on that side and they are all shedding their leaves at a frantic pace. I raked them into piles on the street and the city should be out Monday to pick them up. Darla and I went to church last night.
Today we just relaxed and I watched football as Darla put up the holiday decorations. I went out at halftime of the afternoon games and cleaned up around the pool and vacuumed up leaves from the interior side yard of the house next to the garage. I sprayed down the deck and realize that I will probably have to put another coat of the stain down on the patio next Spring.
The picture of Samantha is from Jennifer's FaceBook and a picture taken by John and shared with Jennifer. We Skyped with Jennifer and Samantha last Tuesday and we only saw flashes of Samantha on the screen as she somersaulted by. She was standing on her head on the couch in the back of the room and we were laughing at her and I think she decided to put on a show for us. The Skype experience isn't quite up to the energy level of a three year old. Samantha will turn 4 later in December. Jennifer flew out to Dallas and spent thanksgiving with her Mom while Samantha spent it with John and his family.
Well, that is it. I have some boxes top put back up in the attic and Darla is fixing turkey tacos for dinner. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember as you face the hustle and bustle of the holidays, remember the words of C.S. Lewis: "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." Amen to that. Ciao.