Sunday, June 03, 2012

Warm Weekend in Nor Cal and Lucas Turns Two

We did get our new "3 day Closet" installed last week and Darla is THRILLED. You can see the tight squeeze we had before with hanging clothes on both sides of the closet and the mess that we ended up having. I think we had given up trying to organize the closet and just sort of jammed things in. We had talked about having a shelving unit built into the closet before and finally pulled the trigger. It looks good and really cleaned up the space and we actually have additional room now for more clothes. We did really go through and thin the herd on our clothes and this allowed us to get our shoes up off the floor and into shelves.

The weather did heat up this weekend and we saw highs in the mid nineties . The weather will rather quickly drop down to the seventies tomorrow with a storm system coming through. Tomorrow is our golf tournament for the Independent Agents Association and it will be the second year in a row that we will face rain. Both of the two agents that were supposed to play on my team this year (along with Matt) had to drop out and I added two agents from one of our fastest growing agencies. I just received an e-mail today from one of them dropping out. We will just play with three and take turns hitting an extra shot as this is a scramble tournament.

We had a tremendous May at work and it is good timing as our CEO will be in town next week. We were up about 16% overall and I'm happy that so far, the loss of my top producer has had a a negligible effect. Time will tell as to what the ultimate effect is for us, but we were proactive and met with each of the principals of our largest agencies that worked with Anthony and made sure they were on board with the direction of Burns. They were and all told me that they had no plans to move any of our business and would continue to use us as usual and so far so good.

The office is slowly rounding into shape as we now have the rest of the build out on the cubicles completed and most of the touchup items in the office have been completed. We finally got all of the marketing supplies and mail room items put away. (We don't have a mail room anymore or a file room.) I've had a few companies come to visit and a few retailers come in to see our new digs and everyone has very nice things to say about the changes.

I didn't play golf on Saturday and spent the day working on the yard and pool. I cleaned the tile with a toothbrush and acid (it is the best way to clean up the calcium deposit on the tile) and vacuumed and balanced the chemicals. I then added water to the spa and balanced the water. We were getting a lot of foaming and I bought a de-foamer and shocked the water to add oxygenation. It is a used spa and I did not get an owner's manual with the purchase. I was playing with the control panel, trying to reset the clock and program the system. I hit the wrong buttons and completely locked the panel. We couldn't turn on any of the jets and the panel was locked. Thank God for the internet as I was able to go online and find a free pdf of the owner's manual and figured out how to unlock the panel. The internet is an amazingly useful tool at times.

I played golf today in the NCGA Net Amateur qualifier. I played pretty well, but had one bad hole. I hooked a ball into the hazard on the par 5 6th hole and then also knocked my next ball into the hazard. I was hitting 5 from 250 years out and ended up slapping the ball around for a 9 and suffered a 45 on the front side. When we came around to number nine which is right next to the number two tee box, I noticed that the blue tees had been moved 25 yards down to the white tee box. It was a mystery to us until we figured out that one of the crazy homeowners on the course had walked onto the course and moved the blocks so his house wouldn't get hit by balls hooked off the tee. He walked up behind us, the first group, and moved the tees. I played with Neil and he was furious. It turns out he had chatted with the homeowner and unknown to him, the guy walked through his gate and up to the tee box after we teed off and moved the blocks. Neil was talking about buying a chain and lock and locking off his gate. What he ended up doing was sending a note out to the membership and telling them that we will always tee off from the permanent blue markers on the second hole in all future tournaments. Our group got hurt by the homeowner moving the tee blocks because we had to play the hole at a 25 yard disadvantage.

I did pull it together on the backside and shot 39 for an 84 (with a nine!!), but even had another adventure with the public. We were the first group and played behind two couples. They were fine, but passed a group of four guys on number 12, playing through them. We found out soon why. These guys were out of Animal House, completely drunk and almost falling over as they played. I sprayed a shot into the wrong fairway on number 16 and had to wait almost fifteen minutes for them to tee off. They each hit two drives and were goofing around screaming and yelling on the tee box. I finally jumped up after the sixth tee shot and hit my shot to the green. I ended up with a double bogey on the hole and was steaming. I hit my next two drives almost 300 yards as I was so mad. It usually doesn't work to play mad and hit as hard as you can, but I pured both drives and finished par-par for the 39 on the back.

Well, Darla has some prime rib dip ready for dinner, so I will draw this to a close. Happy birthday to young Lucas who turned two on Saturday. The blog will be late next week as we will be in San Luis Obispo for the boy's graduation from Cal Poly. Jennifer and Miss Samantha will be with us, so there will be plenty of pictures to come. Ciao.

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