The Tuesday tournament started off a little weird as the Pro in the shop took a shot at me when I was checking in and asked me if I was skipping work to play. I told him that I was going in after the round. He told me in a loud voice that it must suck to have to go into an office every day and that he just pinches himself when he wakes up knowing that he gets to go to the golf course every day. I was pretty taken aback as the other guys in the shop all laughed.The sarcastic side of me took over and I blurted out, "When I get my paycheck every two weeks I pinch myself when I realize that I 'm not paid like a Municipal golf pro." The laughter was deafening as I walked out of the shop.
We finally got our spa fixed on Thursday and we have been in it every night since. Darla was in Lodi last night and today for a big street fair and we both got home about 6 PM today and spent twenty minutes catching up while we soaked in the spa. My Achilles heel was pretty sore after the round and that was complicated by the 90 minute drive home with my right foot on and off the gas pedal as we drove home in the Holiday traffic.
Oh, yeah, tomorrow is Columbus Day, when state and federal workers all take the day off. also funny, the powers that be in Washington want to rename the day Indigenous Persons day. I just call it regular people have to work day also known as Veterans Day, Martin Luther King Day, Cesar Chavez Day, et al.
I had a rough week at work and had to let one of my employees go after five years. It was a messy situation and it took a lot out of me. Suffice it to say the employees that remain are on the same page as I am and we will continue to grow the office and be successful. We finished the month up 16% over the year before and beat our budget handily. I hosted a barbecue lunch on Friday featuring brisket, roast turkey, mac n cheese, beans, salad and fresh baked rolls. It was outstanding and we are off to another good month in October.
I am off to Monterey and Pacific Grove on Friday and won't be back until later Sunday night and the blog will be late. I'll try to get to this on Monday of next week. I know this is short, but so is the news that is fit to share, so I'll wrap this up. Be well and have a good week. Ciao.
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