Sunday, February 17, 2013

Just a Bachelor at Heart

A picture that Josh posted on Google of Mom and the Boys and another one that sums up my feelings on gun control. It used to be before Obama and the Dems got so busy deciding what we can and can't do, that America was the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Anymore, it is the Land of the Prius and the Home of the Ethnically Divergent. I live in California in a little Republican enclave where Prius' with Obama bumper stickers are few and far between. There are many American flags flown in my neighborhood and people work hard and keep their homes neat and tidy. It is a little like living on an island in the middle of a swamp. Darla won't like it, but I would like to retire to Nevada and live there for 6 months and one day a year and come back for Fall and Winter. I don't like my taxes going to drug addicts and illegal aliens and I don't believe in free cell phones for homeless people.

Darla flew off to Las Vegas this morning and will be there until Thursday with Silpada at the Leadership conference. I think she will be presented her check there for the incentive she qualified for last month. Two of her staff are going and will be presented with their leadership bracelets. Darla has one and has about 6 charms on it from all of the leadership conferences she has attended. She will be busy and won't get a chance to see Samantha.

I took Friday off and went to Napa to see Bob Pando with Neil and Boyd. We played golf at the Eagle Vines Golf Facility and I was terrible. My collarbone and yoke were sore and I stumbled to a 44+45=89. This is two days after joining Gary up at Serrano Country Club, a tougher track and shooting a 40+42=82. My game is completely inconsistent and I will play in a 2 day qualifier with Steve for the 4 ball NCGA event. Hopefully, I can pull it together. We play on Saturday and Sunday at Diamond Oaks.

Darla booted me out of the house yesterday and I was still sore, so actually cancelled my planned golf game at DO and I went up to the casino with $100 and high hopes. I won early hitting three Four of a Kinds in the first hour and then slowly playing all of my winnings away. I always cash out after I hit a Four of a Kind, but I got so cold that I was out of money within three hours. I went and had some lunch and then went over to Woodcreek and hit balls and then came home dejected and glum. Darla and I took a spa and as I was getting ready, I emptied my pockets and found a $67 chit from the casino that I didn't know I still had. I went back out to the casino this morning and cashed the ticket and decided to try my luck again, this time getting hot and coming home with $677 on the strength of two hands of Four Aces with a 2, 3 or 4 for 1200 coins won. Nice to come out on top for a change. the guy next to me was beside himself every time I hit a jackpot as he was playing Keno and seemed to be adding $20 bills at a pretty good clip.

I went from there back out to Woodcreek and hit balls. You hit off the grass out at Woodcreek and it better duplicates a regular round of golf. I also chipped and putted for awhile and then came home and worked on the yard for a bit and then watched the golf on TV.

The biopsy came back positive for basil cell carcinoma. I meet with the plastic surgeon on Tuesday and they will then schedule the surgery. The surgeon will take thin layers of the skin off and test them for cancer and finally stop when the sample comes out clear of cancer. It is an out patient surgery, but is done at the main hospital in Sacramento. I'm a little surprised that I had cancer on my scalp because I ALWAYS wear a hat and I now wear an Australian Bush hat on the golf course. I don't wear a hat when I'm swimming, but I do wear a hat when I'm reading on the pool or doing yard work. My hair is too thin and I have a high forehead and don't want to get burned. The dermatologist tells me that the damage was done in my youth and the basil cell carcinomas can show up at any time. I am my Dad's son as well as my Mom's, who died from complications of skin cancer.

The weather here was incredible this week and it was 72 degrees on Wednesday when I played Serrano and 70 degrees in Napa on Friday. It was great, but luckily, there is a front coming in tomorrow and we expect some significant rain on Tuesday and Thursday this week. Hopefully it is wet all week and clears up for our tournament next weekend.

I am off to Phoenix on March 10-12 for work. I have five meetings set up as well as two golf games and a World Champion San Francisco Giants exhibition baseball game in Scottsdale Stadium. I will travel with Pete and we will wear ourselves out. I get back on my birthday.

Prior to that trip, I have another trip to Napa planned on March 3rd and 4th. Neil set up a trip and we will play Silverado on Sunday and Windsor Golf Club in Healdsburg on Monday. I am looking forward to the trip with friends.

Work continues moving forward at a great clip. I will host the office to a luncheon on Thursday at Tahoe Joe's Steakhouse in Roseville to celebrate our record breaking January. I have about a half of the employee reviews done and will hopefully finish those up in the next two weeks. I have finished all of the ones that have come back to me and will get to the others as they come through to me.

Well, that is it this week I will be back at the keyboard next Sunday and let you know how Steve and I fared in the tournament. Be well and stay safe. Ciao.

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