It was Club Championship weekend at the club. I decided to play on Saturday in the Scratch Flight qualifier in order to get an extra round in. I've been playing well and didn't figure that I would embarrass myself. There were 16 players going for 7 spots and most of them are three, four and five handicappers. My 11 looks huge next to them. I ended up shooting 41+41=82 and then waited to see the scores. We were the second foursome out and I was fourth after the first 8, but there were some good golfers still out on the course. It was a confluence of circumstances that found me at the end of the day as the number 8 qualifier. The Club Champion gets the number one seed so my spot ended up being against the reigning Champion. Two of the best golfers in our club were hurt and couldn't play. Three of the other low handicappers struggled in the qualifier and shot 83, 84 and 85. I was shocked to be honest as my intention was to get a round in and then go back to my flight and play with my 11 strokes. The scratch flight has to play even up with no strokes.
Today I was in the last group and got an opportunity to play against the current Club Champion and in the same foursome as another prior Club Champ. It is rarefied air and I surprised Boyd and several other of the guys in the club as they saw my name in the Championship flight. I was pretty nervous and even had one of the guys say, "Ken, you can hit, you can't reach them." Obviously a shot at my handicap. I stepped up and blew the ball ten yards passed him. I should have won the first hole (the Club Championship is Match Play), but felt the pressure and missed a four foot putt to tie with a bogey. I was actually up one hole a couple of times and he went ahead on the eighth hole for the first time and was 1 up after nine holes. I quickly took that back to even on 10 and we were back and forth thru 14. He won 15 and 16 to go two up with two to play and when we tied 17, it was over and I lost 2 and 1. I was proud to take him to 17 holes before he won and I certainly had chances to win and next time will work harder to play the course instead of the man. I shot 83 and Angel shot 80. I'm out for the Club Championship but it was a great experience and I'll have a go at the Scratch flight again next year.
Darla has come to the end of her medical leave and although she is doing much better, she really wasn't ready to go back to work yet. She met with her doctor on Friday and he gave her another week. I have seen some nice changes in her this past week. She is much feistier than she has been and seems so much more focused. The best sign I have seen is that she bought paint for the Master bathroom this weekend and was working on painting the bathroom when I got home today!
The pictures above are from Darla and David's trip to Folsom lake with Don and Alicia. It was the final weekend that boats could be moored in the slips at Brown's Ravine and David was able to help Don pull the boat out.
Daniel and Becky were in town this weekend for another wedding. All of Becky's friends seem to be getting married this Summer. They left this morning for a week camping with her family up in the Redding area. They came over last night to visit with us, showing up at 10:30 and Darla and I finally went to bed at 12:30. Daniel had a friend come over and the three of them visited until about 2 in the morning, finally locking up and heading back to his dad's.
Work continues at the same pace that it has been going. We were once again behind on our budget going in to the final week and JUST made it with $325,096 in earned income off of our budget of $325,000, making it 7 straight months of beating our budget this year. We were up 18% over 2012. The company as a whole had our biggest month ever and several of our offices were up 30 percent or more. Our Dallas office went up from $780,000 to over $900,000. San Francisco also grew big as well as most of the California offices. Our lunch this month may end up being at a park and have a food truck come out and serve us.
Samantha will be in the Bay Area this next weekend as John has a week long job in the area and Jennifer will take her. She has her signed up for a day camp at the local YMCA. Darla and I have a two day certificate from Silpada for a stay at a Marriott hotel and we plan to go and stay in Livermore over the weekend and see Jennifer and Samantha. We will stay over Monday and spend the day with Samantha.
Darla is due to go back to work on Tuesday August 13th and will meet with her boss to talk about some of the issues that have been causing her stress and making her job less than fun lately. We have talked about the possibility of her going fulltime with Silpada and that is certainly still on the table.
Well, I have been working on this and watching the Dallas Cowboys in the Hall of Fame game at the same time. None of the stars played because of the fact that they will play five preseason games. It was well played and it was fun to see some of the new wrinkles in both the offense and defense.
That is it for this week and the blog may be late next week. It depends on whether we see Samantha late on Sunday night. I will likely bring the laptop with me, so I may be able to get a blog update in. I hope your week is GREAT. Ciao.
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