Sunday, January 12, 2014

Back to the Grind

Back to work and the mundane as the kids have gone back to Vegas and the house has been voided of all traces of Christmas. The lights have been taken down, the tree packed away for another year and all of the Santas and cards taken down. The next thing we have to look forward to is an Eagles concert that Neil and Lilly have bought tickets for on January 28th. The pictures above are the last of the bunch from our visit with Jennifer, McKenny and Samantha. The others were taken at our home Saturday as we hosted our Intimate Encounters life group for a breakfast. It is the first time that we've been together since our study ended in September and we had a great time. Darla fixed a nice breakfast quiche and we had blood red orange juice and cut up fruit with the meal. The blood red orange juice was a bit weird and tart, but I mixed it with some regular orange juice and it added a nice flavor to the juice.  We will be getting together again in April and Darla and I are working on a list of goals for 2014 for Financial, Ministry, Family, Marriage, Career and Social.
I played in the Captain and Crew golf tournament today. It is the first tournament of the year and a scramble format. I haven't played in this tournament for a couple of years, because I just don't enjoy scrambles. I decided to play this year because I have to go to the trouble of doing the handicapping for the event anyhow. They take the players that sign up and break them into four groups, A - D and the A Flight is the Captain and the rest are the crew. I was the B player in my group.  We shot a 31 on the front side, but struggled in the wind on the back side and shot a 34 for 65. It was good enough for third, but unfortunately a five way tie for third. Not much money to be made in a five way tie for third, but it beats fourth. I've still had only one stroke play round this year and can still say that I've shot in the 70's every time I've played this year.

One of my golfing buddies is moving to Houston and leaves the end of this month. He works for the Seely Mattress Company and is being transferred from the Northern California territory to Southern Texas. I have been trying to get in our last round of golf before he leaves, but he has been bouncing back and forth from Houston and they will pack up his home Friday and Saturday of next week and he will be off and gone. We will try to get out and have a drink later this week, but he is in Florida right now. He travels as much as Randy.

Our weather has been too dry this year. In fact, we had the driest year in history in 2013 and the weather is warm now. We continue to have over night lows in the mid thirties, but highs in the upper 60's. Our forecast this week is for 70's all week. The area is in drought conditions and water rationing is in force in Sacramento and the surrounding communities. In Placer Counter (where we live), water rationing is suggested but not compulsory. We had a bit of rain on Saturday, it clouded up and the ground was wet, but we only got about 5/100th of an inch. We need rain desperately.

I am hip deep in reviews at work. All 26 employees need to be done, but this year I have each of the underwriters handling the first line reviews of their assistants this year, which will take 13 employees off of my plate. that said, I will handle the second line review which was formerly handled by my boss. I will handle the typists, my filing clerk and my personal assistant. I have plans this year to move my assistant to an Office Manager position and next year she will handle all of the reviews for the typists and clerks. I have until the first of February to handle the first line reviews and then the middle of February to handle the second level reviews.

Darla had a mild scare last week as she took a late afternoon spa in the hot tub. She called me in the car on the way home from work frantic. She was trapped in the tub by a skunk. He had worked his way behind the air conditioning unit. Darla heard some scuffling and looked over the edge of the tub and came face to snout with the little black and white rodent. I got home and made a bunch of noise on the side of the house to scare it off, but it had already slunk away as Darla sat frozen in the tub. I had a good laugh over the whole thing. Not surprisingly, she did not!

Jennifer and McKenny will be together in Vegas at the end of this month. McKenny is in the process of packing up the apartment and will move to Vegas. Jennifer has been looking at houses in the neighborhood around Sam's school and hopes to lease a home when McKenny gets there. Her apartment lease comes up the end of March and she has already given notice. I hope it all goes well for them. They do not want to have McKenny move into her place and then out to a rental home.

I have to make a strong recommendation to all of you. If you have not had the opportunity to see the PBS series Doc Martin, you need to do so. I had the recommendation from my friend, Boyd, from the golf group. he's been talking about it for several months and Darla and I are in the middle of the 2004 season now and it is absolutely engaging and hilarious. We have thoroughly enjoyed the show and would love to share it with all of you.

Well that is all the blather I have for you on this Sunday night. I hope you are all doing well and starting off 2014 with all of the things you had hoped to do and change for the better in your lives. I will catch up with each of you soon. Ciao.

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