Yes. It was crazy as funnel clouds formed in the air Wednesday late afternoon and we were under a tornado warning for about 90 minutes. One of the funnel clouds did touch down about a mile from the house and bounced along the ground for about 300 yards tearing off shingles and knocking down fences and throwing a few barbecues into the air and bouncing off houses. Darla and I were supposed to go to our Bible study at church, but we received tornado warnings on our mobile phones advising us to stay indoors. We turned on the television and watched as the path of churning air with funnel clouds spinning at 80 miles an hour traveled right along our path to the church. It was an easy decision to stay hunkered down at home. I met with our leader, Vance, for breakfast yesterday morning and he told me that 17 people showed up for the class. I'm a "reformed Texan" and have a healthy respect for the unpredictability and power of tornadoes. It was unbelievable to watch as hundreds of local residents drove out to a high point in Rocklin to stand and watch the storm pass overhead, taking cell phone pictures as they went. The pictures above were borrowed from these boneheads who put themselves in harm's way to take a "selfie" with a tornado.
The talk of the drought in Northern California is pervasive, but we have received a healthy dose of rain in the month of March and April is to start out just as wet and wild with storms coming in tomorrow and hanging around until early Wednesday. We received about an inch from yesterday's storm and the next round is supposed to add another inch. Darla is on the phone with her Mom right now and they got about 7 inches of rain up in Paradise out of this last storm. We have had rain just about every day this past week.
I took Friday morning off and joined the retired gang at Diamond Oaks for some golf on a brief break from the storms. They had 12 golfers on Friday and played a team best ball blind draw. It was one of those "what could have been" days for me as I had five birdies over the course of my round. That would generally equate to about a 73 or so, but I also sprinkled in three double bogeys and a triple bogey just for fun. I ended up shooting 40+39=79 and actually had four of my birdies on the front side, but all three double bogeys and the triple bogey to add to the misery. I shot a net 66 which should have been good enough to get in the money. Alas, the blind draw saw me with Neil, who had a rough day with a 90, net 75. We finished out of the money.
I should have saved some birdies for today. I shot a solid round in our Master's tournament with a 41+41=82. I missed all four birdie putts throughout the round, but never had worse than a bogey in the round. I ended up in water logged sand traps twice and worried that I'd blow up there, but handled both shots well and ended up with two pars. It was a fun day today as Bob Pando drove in from San Jose and played in the first group with me, Neil and Boyd. Bob also shot an 82, with a 43+39. My net 68 took low net in my flight with a $55 payout. Darla came over and met Bob and had David come as well and we had lunch together. She hung out visiting with Bob most of the afternoon and also spent time with Charlie and Frieda, John Parola, Rick Rusk, Jesse Sierra and others. She took a $40 gift card I had in my wallet for the pro shop and picked out a purple shirt for me with the 50 year script on a Diamond Oaks logo shirt. She was spending my money like water, but also was called on by Jesse to make the draw in our 50/50 drawing for the Christmas party and pulled my ticket (!!!) for an $88 haul for me. I also won $11 in skin money, so it was a profitable afternoon. I had wanted her to get a picture of Bob and I for the blog, but we got too caught up visiting and it didn't happen.
Work is going great. I'm still waiting for the final lease addendum to be signed and construction to start on my build out. All of the final figures are in and it is up to Alan as to how much he is willing to pay to do the build out. I finished my employee reviews a month ago and got the compensation form in for approval. Alan and Harvey finally met on it this weekend and I have two days to meet with all of my staff and tell them about their raises which went into affect the last pay period and will be paid on Wednesday. I also have to sign new bonus contracts with the underwriters, so will combine those two tasks.
This was a really tough budget month for me with $2,450,000 in premium and $375,000 in net retained income. As of Friday, we are at $2,370,000 and $357,000 in income. It will be a close call, but I think we pull it off. We are at 18 straight months of hitting or exceeding budget. Pete hit the $100,000 threshold in income last month for the first time ever and Matt has actually exceeded Pete's total from last month here in March. It is a pretty exciting and heady vibe in my office and the young people that I have working for me thrive on challenges. It is exciting and I'd take a pie in the face for any of them.
We are finalizing all of the 50th birthday celebrations for Darla. We booked a birthday weekend in Vegas for her birthday and will see the boys and Sam and Jennifer, as well as Daniel's fiancée, Becky, and McKenny as well. We fly in Friday the 16th and will stay at the Palace Station Casino. Sam will be disappointed that we aren't at Circus Circus, but the best deal this trip was at the Palace Station. David and Becky will drive in Friday night and David will fly in later in the afternoon. We also are lined up for the week of Memorial Day in Nuevo Vallarta. The original plan was to have the kids all join us there, but Jennifer just started a new job with AT&T and Daniel is still working as an intern at his Engineering firm right now, so it is just David and us. Dad and Shirley are deciding whether to join us. They may come to Mexico or Vegas, they are unsure as Shirley's daughter, Caroline, also turns 50 and is planning to come to Vancouver in May, but hasn't decided when. We'll find out what they are doing soon, but we will go and have a blast one way or the other. We also have our Almanor trip in July and hope to see Jennifer and Samantha along on that outing.
I've included a picture of Samantha that McKenny took. I really like this one and called it "strong as bull" on my Facebook page. Well, that is it for another week. Hope you are all well and hope to see you all soon. Ciao.