A tremendous month for my office has just concluded. It was pretty unexpected as most of the big numbers hit late in the month. Pete led the way with an office record of $100,000 in income for the month. I can remember when I first took over the office and a good month for us was $120,000 income for the whole office. We finished the month at $355,000 in income up from $265,000 in February of 2013, an increase of 33% year over year. Our premium was up over 40%. It was a nice way to end the month after all of the headaches I had during the month with employees leaving. The most amazing thing is that we did all of this in a short month. Praise God for continued success.
Darla returned from conference last weekend and I've included some pictures of her and her team from their trip. The lady she is kissing is Missy, one of her best friends and earliest team members with Silpada and Missy promoted up to a Star Leader at the Management conference. I don't know who was happier, Darla or Missy. They had a great time in Atlanta. Darla came back to me with a full beard. I told her that when you turn me loose in a single lifestyle, I'm going caveman. It will be cut off before too long, but I'm sticking with it for now.
The last picture is a picture grab from Jennifer's Facebook account. Sam won a citizenship award at her kindergarten for Leadership and her Mom was "over the moon" happy for her daughter. I'm proud of her. One thing I have noticed with Samantha is that she is very attentive with her teachers and coaches and when other kids are goofing off, Sam is engaged with whatever the task at hand is.
My back has finally come back around to full health and I was able to get out with Neil this weekend and play in the first two days of the 54 hole team championship. I'm pleased to say that we are tied for first place overall going into the final day next Saturday. Yesterday was the best ball portion of the tournament and I shot an 82, Neil had an 83 and we shot 63 as a team. The leaders had 61 and we were tied for third after the first day. Today was the two man scramble event and Neil and I shot a gross 73 and had a 59 with our 14 team strokes. We shot overall low gross in our flight with the 73 and took home low gross money for the second day. Our total of 122 net is tied for first with one other team and our 149 gross is also tied for first. I had a great time, although had a bit of a sore back after yesterday. I was in much better shape after the round today for some reason and stayed all day to help Neil with the scoring.
The weather has been rainy, but for the most part held off for the weekend. I met Neil at the course Saturday morning to look at the condition of the course to see if we could start the tournament. We drove the course in carts at 6:15 AM and saw that although there was standing water in many of the bunkers and in a few of the fairways, the weather was overall dry and we decided to go forward. We got just a little bit of rain during the round and I had my umbrella out for just one or two holes. Today was a bit tougher weather wise with wind and rain. The problem with the wind is that it was so strong that it was next to impossible to open your umbrella and keep it from turning inside out. Luckily, I was playing with the Tournament director and we got done before the hardest part of the rain hit. It was a warm storm with temperatures of 68 degrees, but some of the guys toward the end of the day were absolutely drenched and their scorecards were sopping as well.
Darla and I made it to church on Saturday night and we are still going through the series on The Ten Commandments. Last night was Thou Shall not Murder. Many people still think of it as Though Shall not Kill, but the Bible is clear that it is referring to Murder. Part of the issue in modern day America is that many people have become inured to death and many know people who have committed suicide and it is a fact that with movies, TV shows and video games that the average American child will have seen over 18,000 murders by the time they turn 18. The problem with suicide is that it gives friends and family of the person committing suicide implicit permission to do the same to themselves if things get tough. It was a very well done sermon and one that touched both Darla and I.
This is incredibly short this week, but I got home late, cooked some barbecued chicken and Darla and I are sitting through the Oscars, which we never watch, but wanted to see Ellen as host. So far, so good. I am busy this week with Employee Reviews. I worked on all of these earlier this year, but will sit down with each of the employees this week. Have a marvelous week and I will be back at the keyboard next weekend. Ciao.
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