Sunday, July 13, 2014

Finally, the walls are coming down at work

Back at the keyboard. You can see that Jennifer has been busy. A new dog and more holes for Samantha's head. Sam asked her Mom if she could get her ears pierced and John agreed, so off they went today and got her ears pierced. I haven't talked to her, but they also got a new dog, Gunner. He is an Australian Shepherd mix and looks like she'll be a good dog for them.
The temperature here continues to be HOT. We had 100 degrees yesterday and today and tomorrow will be 109 degrees again. The last three weeks have had HOT weekends followed by a really hot Monday and then cooling for the rest of the week. This week will follow the same script. It is going to quickly cool off after Monday. It will be 100 degrees on Tuesday and on into the mid nineties for the rest of the week.
Darla is off to Kansas City on Wednesday through the weekend with Silpada. It is their annual convention and she is off with some of her down line representatives. Darla has a special dinner and bracelet and meeting with the owners on Wednesday night for making it to Sterling Club as a Silver Manager. The rest of her girls are on their own that night. The conference is held in downtown Kansas City and they will be staying at the Westin. She will be home on Sunday.
As the title indicates, the build out on my office is beginning this week. I moved out of my office on Friday and into one of the other offices in the suite after moving someone else OUT. They will tear out the wall in my office and begin the demolition of the walls in the suite that we are adding on. I found out that they will add a Hot Spot in the new conference room and we will have seating in there for 20. That's nice, but I have 26 employees. We will be able to move in extra chairs when we have our sales meetings. The build out is expected to take a month and a half and we should be in the new digs by early September.
I had a wonderful opportunity this week to have dinner with Rick, my friend who is undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer. Rick has always been a big man standing 6'1" and weighing in about 220 pounds. He has lost all sorts of weight to the point that the is now 175 pounds. The good news is that he dropped to 170 pounds after the first round of chemo, but has gained five pounds back. What struck me more than anything is his optimism, but also his sense of reality. He knows the odds are against him, but as a Christian, he also knows that his life is not in the hands of his doctors, but in the hands of his Saviour. They have given him six months to live. Rick says that six months is the median time that people with his diagnosis live. Some die quickly and some have a positive reaction to the chemo treatments and live for years. Occasionally, a patient will beat the diagnosis and the cancer will go into remission. He knows that he has an uphill battle to fight, but is seeing the glass as half full. We had a great lunch and a good visit and it was as good for me as it was for him.  I pray that the Lord take control of his medical condition and that His will be done.
Thursday, I took the day off and met up with Steve, Neil and Tim at the Park N Ride in Roseville at 6 AM and we were off to Pebble Beach and the course at Poppy Hills. We got into Pacific Grove at 9 o'clock and stopped off at the Pacific Grove Golf Course so Neil could pay our deposit for the October tournament. We all had the ham and cheese breakfast burrito (that Tim paid for) before jumping back in the car and driving the ten minutes to Poppy Hills. I absolutely love the redesign of the course, BUT the greens are rock hard and incredibly slow. They have taken a lot of water out of the course and their intention was to speed up play. The original course had a lot of sharp doglegs and the redesign has softened the course and taken the sharp angles away. The designer has also taken ALL of the rough out of the course. The fairways are wider and there is a lot of waste area that has been added to keep the ball from running into the trees. All of the redesign is great, BUT the rock hard condition of the greens does not allow you to hit a golf shot into the greens. For the most part you can run the ball onto the green, but even that is like trying to run a ball onto a freeway and have it stop. I hit a great drive on the first hole and had 135 yards into the green. The golf staff warned us about hitting balls onto the green, so I hit a sand wedge about 10 yards shot of the green and it bounced onto the green and shot through almost to the back of the green. That was hole number one and it continued throughout the round. It was a frustrating round and I don't hit enough good shots to not have a good shot count. I shot 92 and Neil and Tim were both close to 100 and Steve shot 93.
We stopped at Casa De Fruta on the way home and had dinner and ice cream before driving on home. Steve and Neil split the cost of the dinner. I stopped for gas on the way back and put $70 in the car. Amazingly, none of the guys offered to chip in for the gas. I should have insisted that they all chip in. Tim was great and slipped me $20 for the gas on top of buying me breakfast. I think I'll make sure that if I drive again, that I'll make it clear that I need each guy to chip in for the gas. I think they all are retired and think I'm a rich working guy.
Saturday was the Diamond tournament at Diamond Oaks. The company that runs the golf course for the city puts on about six tournaments a year. They are sponsored by different golf suppliers and this one was sponsored by Puma. I shot 41+40=81 for a net 67 and tied for first. I won the card playoff and took $80 for first place. I bought a new pair of Puma golf shoes with my winnings. I played with Paul who shot an 80 and Kelly who also shot an 81.
Next week is the 3 club tournament that we haven't played in the club for three years. I will use a driver, 7 iron and putter. Many of the guys don't bring a putter and try to put with their driver, but the number of putts per round that the average player has in a round makes it a no brainer to bring a putter.
Well that is it for this week. I will be batching it next weekend and will likely get this done a little bit early so Darla and I can visit next Sunday night. I hope you all have a great week. Be well. Ciao.

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