Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday night is just allright by me

Sam and Jennifer went up to Red Rock State Park and did some hiking. Their goal was to find a waterfall and they did post a picture of a little swimming hole, but not a waterfall, so I don't know. I called a while ago, but kids these days have caller ID and if they don't want to talk to you, you're out of luck.
We had a good weekend, starting with a relaxing Friday evening watching movies to Saturday night out with friends, to a quiet day today watching the final round of the PGA Championship on TV. We did find time to sneak out on the pool and have a nap. I mowed the lawn today, trimmed plants, fertilized both the plants and the lawn and cleaned up the leaves in the front. We get inundated with leaves during the Winter months and I'm not ready for that process to begin yet. We had some wind this last week that took out some of the leaves from the Maples in the park across the street. They all get deposited in my yard and tangled up in the bushes and plants. I used the leaf vacuum today and made short work of the job.
I saw someone(an older woman with a backpack) across the street at Carol's house go in the front door and their house alarm went off a few seconds later. One of the other neighbors ran over to see what was going on, so I stayed out of it. Darla told me tonight that Carol's sister has moved in with her and she is about 70. I'm sure it was her and likely scared the pooh out of her.
Golf is a fickle game. Thursday night I played in our twilight league and shot a 39 on the front nine. I was dropping in putts from all over the place. Saturday was the Consolation Round at the club (what I call the Loser's Bracket). I felt good, hit balls before hand and was striking the ball well. I parred the first hole and then went on a blind man's journey around the course, finally hitting my second ball way to the right on the 9th hole. I told the guys if it was gone, I'd DQ myself. I got up to the green and sure enough, my ball was about six inches beyond the wrought iron fence and into the parking lot. I DQ'ed myself, took a 7 on the hole for a 50!! I almost walked off, but decided to play on and shot a 39 on the back for an 89. That is Schizophrenic golf.
I will be busy this week. I have a tentative golf date with an agent in Stockton on Tuesday. Jerry Tuel is joining me. I'm also having Steve join me as we will play Elkhorn Golf Club in Stockton for our NCGA Senior Best Ball Championship on August 2oth and we want to try the venue. I haven't seen Jerry in about 5 years. He was the Best Man in my wedding, but we had a falling out back when Darla's parent's sold their farm. His wife, Tami, is a real estate agent and was really adamant that she could sell the house. Darla's parents had an agent that specialized in Farm properties. She was a home seller and didn't understand the income potential of the orchards and wouldn't take No for an answer. She called back after we told her they weren't interested and please don't call us. She had a potential buyer and Darla told her off in no uncertain terms and told her that she was threatening the friendship. She called back one more time and that was it. I understand the concept of sales and being aggressive in your approach, but not with friends. Darla's parents were steamed and Darla and I felt violated.
I say tentative as I am actually on Jury Duty in Placer County this week. I called in and don't have to report Monday. I hope to skip it all together, but IF I get called in Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, I will go. Friday we are off to San Francisco and already have reservations at Presidio Golf Course, tickets to the play Friday night at Beach Blanket Babylon and tickets to the Giants game on Saturday. I'll let the court know that I have a scheduled event that I can't miss. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and I can get out of it all week.
The build out at my office came to a screeching halt on Tuesday over a change order that our real estate department put in. They wanted to upgrade some cabinetry, add a security wall to the demising wall between our suite and the one next door and some upgrades to the electrical. The change order came up to an additional $14,900 on a $65,000 bid. Our side called a halt and nothing was done between Wednesday and Friday. The dispute was settled on Thursday and construction was supposed to commence this weekend. I'll see what they got done tomorrow.
Saturday night we did get together with Neil and Lil, Steve and Brenda and John and Camille, the four couples that are going to SF on Friday. I wanted to go out to the new Brazilian Restaurant in Roseville, Fire and Flame. It is an all you can eat restaurant with waiters that bring skewers of meat to your table. You keep getting served until you turn over the RED card showing you are full. I found out the cost is $45 per person and we decided to go to the local Korean BBQ, which is $19.95 per person for bulgagi, pork, chicken, Kobe beef and spare rib meat. We met over at 7 and had a ball cooking our own meat at the table and enjoying (or at least trying) the side dishes of potatoes, cabbage, pickled squash, mushrooms, carrots and cucumbers. The frosted mugs of Sapporo were $2.95 and we had a fun ninety minutes laughing and enjoying our meal at side by side cooking units. We went to a frozen yogurt place afterward and sat out in the cooling breeze of a Summer night and enjoyed all talking together. It was fun.
Work is going well. I got my financials for July and we made a profit of $116,000 in July, so all is good. One of my companies sent us a S'mores kit with Hershey bars, marshmallows and graham crackers and I set up one of my 23 year olds to make s'mores for the office. It was fun and pretty gooey. I was in a meeting when she made them and came out and made my own. Apparently, you put the graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow in the microwave for 15 seconds. I put mine in for thirty seconds and the marshmallow blew up to double its' size. It was good, though. We still have to set up lunch for the gang this month to celebrate our July. The issue is with 26 employees, someone is on vacation every week in August.
Well, that is the news for this week. I hope you are all well. I look forward to seeing Randy and Darryl over Labor Day and Dad and Shirley in September. I realized that I booked our Vancouver trip on the heels of a trip to Bodega Bay for golf with Bob Pando and Neil. Darla and I will be overnight Thursday night in Bodega Bay, return Friday afternoon and leave for Vancouver Saturday. Now I know how Dad feels. Ciao.

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