Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday night Musings

Just a couple of pictures from Instagram because we haven't taken any pictures lately. The top picture is of David when he was in charge of making jambalaya for his work mates. The bottom picture is from McKenny and is of Mac, Jen and Samantha on their way into the Cirque De Soleil performance of Avatar. Jennifer surprised Sammy with tickets and they went to the show Friday night and had a ball.
Donald J Trump is now our President and some people have completely lost their minds. I absolutely could not have handled 4 years of Hillary and her smug, lying, cheating ways. Glad that she got her comeuppance. The middle of this country has stood up and told Washington that they are fed up with business as usual and won't stand for career politicians lining their pockets while leaving the middle class paying for everything.  Hillary won the popular vote and thank God that New York, California, Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania cannot dictate to the rest of the country who becomes the President of the United States. Both California and New York are heavily liberal and Democratic and will always vote for the most liberal and progressive candidate. People in Kentucky and Alabama don't want our decisions being made by whackos. It is amazing to me that our founding fathers were smart enough to come up wit the Electoral college. The US Senate is set up as a Republic with all states having two Senators, but the House of Representatives have a disparate number of representatives that are based on population. The House can create proposed laws and mandates to the public, but they have to be voted on by the Senate which has equal representation for all states. It is a unique and incredible system and the kooks that are calling for the abolishment of the Electoral College are nuts.
Rant over. It was a good week for us. I had a Bowen treatment on my back on Wednesday and felt great until I got home and tried to get out of my car with my briefcase and a backpack that I bring to change clothes before my treatment and I completely wrenched my back. Our garage is really narrow and we have two big cars. I have very little room on the side of the garage and have a few tools and an edger and blower stacked in the corner. I tripped and really pulled a muscle in my back. I was limping around Thursday and Friday, but was getting better by Saturday and feel great today. It was ironic that I pulled it on the day of (and after) I went for treatment. I'm sure my back is susceptible after an hour of treatment as she always tells me to take it easy and make sure that I don't sit for too long, that I get up and stretch, etc. 
The rain continues and it looks like we might finally get a break this week. The drought is a mere memory at this point. I had the pool pump act up on Thursday as a bearing went out and there was a shrill sound as the pump worked overtime to bring in more water. I had a Christian  pool contractor come in and look at the equipment to see if he could repair it. The system is 15 years old and we decided to replace it with a state of the art wireless system that I can control with my smartphone. The system is about $400 more than a two speed system, but the city will give me a $200 rebate for going to a variable speed system. I can set the pump to run at a certain RPM. You run this system longer, but run it for two hours on a high RPM and then 7 hours at a low RPM. The city is offering a rebate because the system will use 50% less energy. So I save twice. Timing wasn't great as we just bought the furniture, but it is what it is.
I had poker Friday night with the guys and got killed. I lost about $60 and it would have been closer to $100 ,but I won the last four pots to trim my losses. Darla got together with friends and had dinner and then went to a show and then out to see the same band that Darla and I saw a few months ago. One of her reps has a daughter that plays for the River City All Stars and they were playing in the town that borders Roseville.

Saturday night Darla and I drove up to Paradise to see her Mom and Dad and have a birthday dinner with her Mom. Her birthday is on Wednesday. We visited for awhile and heard the tales of working through the estate of Earl's brother. It is tough on both of them as they are getting older and it is a lot of work. Darla suggested that they look at the ordeal as a job and check out on weekends. Frances took a 40 minute phone call while we were there and it is just too much. Hopefully they take a break as Darla suggested because it is a ton of work and it is stressful. We drove into Magalia, the neighboring town to Paradise and had dinner at a little café that had a great prime rib special. It was raining pretty good by the time we got out and those little towns don't have many streetlights. It was a dark and wet drive back to their house. We stayed until about 8:30 and then were on our way home.
Today we were off to church this morning. It was raining off and on and the wind was howling. It was bitterly cold. We enjoyed service with Bob Goff in as the special speaker. Bob lives 8 months a year in San Diego and has a cabin in rural Canada that is 10 miles from his closest neighbor where he spends the other 4 months. He has used the cabin to bring in negotiators from countries to hammer out agreements. He had one group in two years ago and they were to stay two weeks, but had a problem with the fireplace and burned the place to the ground. He told us about a city in Texas called Lake Jackson. It is a small town and the man that started the town, a Dow Chemical manager named Alden Dow (who was the son of the owner of Dow Chemical), allowed his kids to name the streets. They have streets called This Way and That Way. The church is on His Way and the small airport is on Run Way. It is located just outside of Houston and now has over 27,000 residents. He brought this up to drive home his point of not getting stuck in between This Way and That Way. He went a long way to get there, but I always find the references interesting. I wonder if Aaron or Janelle are familiar with the town.
I have my Doctor appointment this week with the orthopedist to decide what we are going to do about my torn rotator cuff. I have most of my pain when I sleep. I'm a side sleeper and will roll over in my sleep and wake up with a dull ache in my arm. It is like a dead arm combined with a bad toothache. I can't lift anything over my head with my right arm and things like reaching from the front seat to the back seat is pure agony.
I am set up to play golf this weekend. With the rain finally subsiding I just want to get out and walk 18 holes. The Bowen treatment seemed to help me quite a bit this time, but the pain comes in waves. If I am going to have surgery I'd like to get it done before we leave for the cruise. I'll have to be in a sling for two weeks and I should regain full range of motion within 8 weeks. I have to miss golf early in the year, but I'd like to be back playing by May. We'll see. It took the orthopedist a month to get me in to see him. I wonder how long it will take to have him set up surgery?
We will try again tonight to get a hold of Dad and Shirley. He sent me an e-mail early this week that his phone was out of service and the phone company was supposed to be out to fix it on Wednesday. Darryl had his 61st birthday this week and it will be interesting to sit with he and Randy during the cruise and see what their plan are for retirement. So many of my friends are retired already and I hope to be there in about 5 years. Bob Pando will retire about the same time and plans to come back up to Roseville after he sells his insurance agency in San Jose. I'll have a golf buddy at that time. Boyd is 76 now and starting to tone down the amount of golf that he plays. John is 62 and Steve is 61. Charlie is 71 and Neil is 73. All are retired.
Well, not much going on this week. I will check in again next week and give you the results of my exam by the orthopedist. Be well and stay strong in the Lord. Ciao.

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