Monday, August 20, 2018

FINALLY..some cooling coming our way


At it again on a Monday night. Darla is off picking up some tortilla chips to go with our taco soup tonight.
The pictures. The top two are of Samantha's new pup, Bootsy. Jennifer and McKenny went out to the SPCA over the weekend and found this little Border Collie that was underweight and somewhat malnourished. They brought Maceo with them and the shelter workers remarked that Maceo hasn't missed any meals. I think that might have helped them get the dog. She is only 3 months old and they are in for the puppy experience, both good and bad. The next four pictures are from Saturday night at Jesse's Grove winery where Darla set up as a vendor during the concert. The bands were both good, Cripple Creek and Whiskey Dawn. The 4th picture in the series shows Darla, Alicia, Shawna and Connie. All three women work for me and Alicia is now working for Darla as well in her jewelry business. Shawna is her Mom. Connie's husband, Kip, makes wine stoppers and Darla invited him along as a vendor. He had a very SLOW night as most of the people who stopped and looked at his stoppers made the same comment, that they don't have any wine left over when they drink and have no need for a stopper. Darla had a great night with about $1300 in sales and felt for Kip and bought 5 of his wine stoppers for $100. He had them priced at $25 each and you got a discount the more you bought. The vendor next to us saw us buying and came over and bought three of the stoppers themselves and that turned out to be the sum total of Kip's sales. The last two pictures are of Samson in a pencil drawing and one of Samson fast asleep on Darla and Darla not far behind him.
We stayed until just about the end of the concert and ducked out right as Whiskey Dawn was doing their encore. It was a nice night with a slight breeze and temperatures that started out at 100 degrees and ended up about 75 degrees by 9:45. You can see the top picture of the booth and how crowded it gets. It is the reason that Darla needs someone like Alicia to help her with sales.
I played golf Sunday with Darla's business coach. I met him here when he was working with Darla. She had the great idea that he work with me and that I could start a consulting business and continue to work after I retire. Uh, no. I will have worked for 49 straight years when I retire and I think I've earned the rest. He had said that he was an active member at Morgan Creek, which is a high end country club here in Roseville that was very poorly run on the golf side and eventually sold to a local golf investor that opened the course to the public and basically killed the members who paid upwards of $20,000 to buy into the club. He quit the club and is understandably unhappy. He says that he was a 7 handicap when he played there and is up to a 9. We went up to Darkhorse Golf Club up in Auburn. Darkhorse is a tough venue, but also very pretty in the foothills. There is a lot of elevation change and the views are very nice.
John, who is Darla's coach struggled on the tough track and shot 98. Paul shot 89, I managed a 92 and our fourth (a friend of John's) shot 112. We played a game o 6-6-6 where we switch partners every 6 holes and all end up playing on the same team. We bet $5 each 6 holes and I ended up winning all three segments and the other guys all owed me $5, so I took $15. I feel like I regressed a little on my game this week, but the slope is 132 at Darkhorse and it is 6,500 yards. Our course is 119 and 6,100 yards. A little different.
I had our neighborhood friend, Chad, over last Thursday and he measured for windows. We are having Anderson put in our sliders and I want Chad, who is a licensed contractor, to replace 7 windows on the back side of the house. We are looking at Pella windows. I should have a price this week. We won't get the work done before Dad and Shirley get here , but I'm looking forward to seeing the result. I may move the barbecue that sits right outside the bay windows. Right now the large middle window is a sliding window with a screen. We are changing that out to a large picture window that will overlook the pool.
This weekend is our Invitational and I have Pete coming out to play with me in the two man scramble. John wants to join the club and another guy in my office. You can join the week of the Invitational for the renewal rate AND you will get the rest of this year plus all of next year. It's a good deal. Pete and I will play with my twilight partner (and Pete's agent) Ron and his partner.
That will do it for another week. I think that Taylor will be in town this weekend to visit the boys and will be over swimming with us. I'll get pictures and be back at this next weekend. I hope everyone is great. Ciao.

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