Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Correction from Butt Cramp Boy!

I have the attention span of a small child with a sever case of ADD and missed the official title that Darryl holds at McClane. He is definitely number three at the facility, but is the Vice President. There is a President on site and a Regional VP, well, let him explain...

"I am the VP and I run the facility (my next move is President) – my President handles the administrative side of the business and I handle 90 percent of the operations and transportation. I have a Transportation Manager who runs the distribution side and an Operations Manager who runs the warehouse side. There is also a Regional Vice President imbedded in the facility who is number two in the company."

Honestly, who wants to be numer two? There are some negative connotations there. Actually, it sounds like he has two middle managers that pretty well run things for him. Pretty good gig if you can get it.

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