The cruise itself was interesting as there was a group of 100 lesbian women on board and they came in all shapes and sizes. There was a group on the beach when we got off and they yelled that they were "recruiting". I laughed and one said, "Not YOU!"The most interesting couple had to weight 600 pounds as a couple and I got stuck behind them on the way to the taxi. It was impossible to pass as I walked from the ship up past the bar and the gift shops to the front of the Travel Adventure office. Everyone was waiting for me as they wanted to get one of the first cabs of the 150 people on the boat. They were chiding me and I let slip that I got behind Shamu and her sister. Everyone knew who I meant.
We also took a trip into the little beach town of Busceria this trip. It was a 15 minute cab ride and we picked the perfect day as it was Mexican Revolution Day and the whole town was out for a parade. The taxi had to let us out on the highway and we walked past the parade into town. Busceria is a typical Mexican town with the Catholic Church in the center of town next to the plaza. A Mexican band was playing and there were vendors all over selling food and drink, which we were all loathe to try. The girls shopped and Darla bought some Mexican pottery for nachos and dips and Cheryl did the same at the little flea market in town. We walked from there to a restaurant on the beach, Claudios at Mason Bay. They had $6 margaritas in a glass as big as your head. They also had $9 fajitas and each couple split a plate and we ordered chips and guacamole. It was a highlight of the trip as we sat next to the beach and talked and watched the people wander the beach.
Of course golf was a big part of the trip and Neil and I hooked up again with Martin`, our caddy from last year. He can read greens like a magician. Shirley wasn't at all happy about the caddy and expressed it to us on Monday night. She couldn't wrap her head around some stranger in the middle of our golf. Of course, Shirley absolutely loved Martin` and he was instrumental in her very good round on Wednesday. She hit several long putts and Martin` had the putts read perfectly. We saw the crocodile again, in fact we saw two this trip, although they stayed in the water where they belong. Martin` told us a story of how the management of the golf course tried to trap the crocodile last year as they were concerned that golfers would approach it. They used a chicken as bait and unfortunately hung the chicken outside of the cage the first night and the crocodile easily made off with the bait. The second night, the chicken was inside the cage and in the morning the cage was open and the chicken was gone. They gave up after that for fear that more crocs would come out of the river for the free meals.
I was able to get in four golf games while we were there, but it was hard to get a tee time. They have imploded three of the Mayan Village buildings to make way for the new Grand Villa, Grand Estates and Grand Bliss buildings. They are selling all three of the upgraded resorts and all of their buyers are staying at the Grand Mayan. We couldn't even get an ocean view room, which was maddening. The Grand Bliss and Grand Villas open in November so our next trip should be much quieter. I shot 81, 39, 77 and 83 while we were in Mexico and I was happy to see my new driver helping me more than hurting me. Dad played two games, Shirley one and Darryl and Neil got in three games. Martin' was able to get us three morning tee times and we took his number and will call him a month ahead of our next trip and he will arrange our golf.
We met every twilight at Dad and Shirley's condo for appetizers and drinks. It was a lot of fun and we all looked forward to our time to come together before dinner. Two of the nights we returned to the condo after dinner and played dice and laughed and enjoyed ourselves before heading to bed.
Dad and Shirley left for home on Saturday brown and relaxed after two weeks in the Mexican sun. That night, the three remaining couples went to Buenos Aires restaurant right outside the entrance to Paradise Village. It was a tremendous final night for us as we enjoyed a feast. Luckily each couple split a steak and shrimp dinner. We added a couple of "must return" restaurants to our itinerary this trip. Neil and Lilly took us to Toni's restaurant in PV and surprised us all by picking up the tab. I was able to buy his dinner the next night when we ate at the onsite Italian restaurant and Darla and I had our first taste of Chateaubriand and loved it. We also returned to Brasil restaurant on our first night and thoroughly enjoyed the Brazilian steak restaurant.
Darryl and Cheryl and Darla and I bought the meal plan and were able to share appetizers and dessert with everyone at each meal we ate onsite. It turned out that four of the eight with a meal plan was perfect as we couldn't possibly have eaten more appetizers or dessert.
On Dad and Shirley's last night, we had planned a nice dinner at the new Asian restaurant on the property called Gong. We got there at 8 for our reservation and as we looked at the menu, we were all a little surprised at the lack of variety. When I told the waitress that four of us were on the meal plan and she told us that Gong had a special menu for that week and wasn't honoring the meal plan, we got up and walked out. Who needs Asian food in Mexico?
We walked back to the Grand Mayan entrance and asked for a ride to the Havana Moon restaurant. The uniformed bellhop said that he could only take seven and that he would get a separate cart for the eighth. What? The driver pulled up and we talked him into taking all eight of us. The bellboy shrugged and we were off. We barely made it around the corner from the hotel entrance and bottomed out on a speed bump. Four of us had to jump off to let the chassis of the cart lift up from the bump. We all had a good laugh and promised diets when we got home. The dinner at Havana Moon was nice and I had asked the Maitre D' to make a special cake for Dad and Shirley's anniversary. When they brought it out, they had written on the plate in front of the cake "Happy Annivercity". You can see this if you double click the first picture above.
They were both taken with the uniqueness of the misspelled cake and it was a nice touch to a very nice evening. We did miss Randy and Cake on this trip and I was told there was some misunderstanding in my invitation and for that I'm sorry. Neil and Lilly were indoctrinated into the family and said that they would be happy to pinch hit for Randy any time he can't make a family vacation.
It took me a few nights to get around to the blog, but i will add more this weekend. Darryl, I'm waiting for your pictures. I hope all are well. Ciao.
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