Sunday, May 08, 2011

Great weather week, lousy weekend weather...what's up with that?

I have an Old Photo Pro app on my iPhone and like to take selected pictures and make them black and white. This shot of Sam could have been taken in the 50's and is a classic. She is quite a little doll.

Sad news in that Michael and Jennifer are having some problems. Jennifer may soon be moving out and they have been working on their issues. It's not easy with bills and both having been out of work. Relationships are work and they are definitely trying to work things out. Pray for them.

The weather this week got up into the 90's for a couple of days and the 80's all the way until Friday and then it was a cold, windy Saturday morning that finally gave way to sunshine and 77 degrees. Today was just downright cold and I had shorts on going to church and the wind went right through me. It was overcast all day and now, finally, at 4;00 in the afternoon, the sun is out and it is up to 65 degrees. Tomorrow it will be 72 degrees and then back into the eighties with a cold front shown coming in for next weekend. Why is the American worker punished for providing for our families?

I played golf in the first Diamond tournament of the year. These are tournaments NOT put on by our golf club, but put together by the course and open to anyone. They had a 7:45 shotgun with 69 golfers. I shot 41+42=83 with a net of 70 to tie for fourth place. They put a guy in our foursome that was probably 55 years old and it was his first tournament. His wife signed him up probably to get him out of the house. He had no clue what he was doing and shot 114, dropping balls near out of bounds after hitting the ball out. We told him he was disqualified and he just shrugged. He picked up on four holes and took a triple bogey on each of them. We also had a guy who had a hole in one and he refused to buy drinks for anyone. He didn't have the hole in one insurance because it wasn't an RGC event and he isn't in our club. The guys were harassing him and he told everyone they should buy HIM a drink, that the tradition of buying everyone else a drink was stupid. He was quite popular with the guys after the round, the cheap bastard.

Darla is acting like the editor of my blog again as she came in and told me to add some pictures from our visit with the boys and Darla's family last night. The problem is she never takes any of the photos off of her flash card and you have to sift through 200 pictures to find the three to add to the blog. I put her on the task of downloading them to her laptop, picking out three she wants me to add and then e-mailing them to me. That should keep her busy for a few minutes. After that, she can take off the pictures of our Christmas and snow trip with Sam and Jennifer as they have been added to the hard drive already and most are on our iphones as well.

We had the family over last night after my golf game and we were initially going to relax out by the pool, but that plan went up in cool temperatures and windy conditions, so we sat inside, watched the Kentucky Derby and an NBA playoff game. We all watched Lucas totter about trying to turn on every switch on our DVR and TV. Luke will be one next month and is at the fun stage before they start talking or walking, but they are in to everything. he is one happy little boy. I wish that Jennifer and Samantha lived closer, so they could get to know each other better.

I fixed barbecued chicken sandwiches for dinner last night and we enjoyed potato salad and fruit salad while we feted the Moms in our life. I still miss Mom after 11 years without her.

I will be off to Redding on Tuesday as I am taking Matt up to Redding to meet some of the agents up there and turn some of my agency staff over to him. We will have breakfast in Chico and meet two agents in Redding, one of them for lunch, before meeting one of my golfing agents at his country club at 1:30 for a golf game. Matt and I will probably be home about 10:00 that night, but it will be a good trip. He is really doing well for me and is excited about his job.

I have a trip set up for next Saturday to Auburn Valley Country Club. many of the clubs in the area are now open to the public after 10:00 AM because the membership has dropped so badly in the economy. At this point there is no reason to belong to a club because you can get on most of them anyhow. I never liked the idea of being tied down to one club with a $500 nut every month and another $500 quarterly for food and beverages. There are too many courses to go out and play and I'd rather use my golf budget to sample the wide variety of courses in the area rather than be tied down to one. I'm certainly monogamous as a husband, but not as a golfer. Boyd, Matt and Darren will join me on the trip.

The following weekend, we head to Carson City with the club and I will play Genoa Lakes, Silver Oak and Dayton Valley over three days. I'm taking Friday off work and Darla and I will drive up and stay at the Carson Station Casino in Carson City. We have plans with the group for dinner on Saturday and will relax and unwind the rest of the weekend. Darla and the ladies will have a spa day and shop and eat to the heart's desire. We need an away week at this point. Darla has really been working her business hard trying to win the Puerto Rico trip next year. It will be a tough go and she might not make it, but it won't be from lack of effort on her part.

We have decided to Join dad and Shirley and the extended family for a cruise out of Fort Lauderdale next March to Nassua, St Thomas and St Maarten. This is actually the cruise that I have always wanted to go on. I have done Mexico and Jamaica, etc. and Darla and I enjoyed the Bahamas so much on our trip several years ago, so the opportunity fell right into our lap. The price is expensive with accommodations going for about $3,000, not to mention the flights that will be extra, cabs, hotel, etc. But, hey, it's just money.

Well, that's it for this week. I hope all are well and the Mom's out there had a GREAT Mother's Day! Ciao.

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