Sunday, May 01, 2011

Warm Weather has Arrived

More pictures from our trip and one of the pool. I worked my tail off today getting the pool ready for swim season. I took apart the filters and cleaned each of them. I also flushed out the lines, shocked the pool, adjusted the pool sweep, turned on the waterfalls, added some African daisies to the palm garden, trimmed all of the bushes and trees and added fresh shredded bark around the bushes at the front of the pool. I also added bark to the front garden by the walkway and to all of the tree rings on the side yard. Darla was out of town, so I got to work at my pace and get it all done before she got home tonight, Unfortunately, I was also supposed to have this blog done, but her cell phone was dead and I had called her for an ETA and she never called back.

Now I have a half hour to rush out a blog entry. Darla was up in Paradise at a two day community event selling her jewelry and I was home alone. I went out to Thunder Valley yesterday afternoon and turned $80 into $200 and decided to buy some things at Home Depot. The tab was $98 (I also bought some pool shock and acid) so I don't have much left, but the yard is looking much nicer. I also put the $80 back into my work checking account that I use for my expenses. Darla was trying to get hold of me last night and was a little upset that I was incommunicado. I left my cell phone at home and she couldn't reach me until i got home at 9:00. I stopped for some Taco Bell on the way home and ate it there.

Boyd and I played golf yesterday at Cherry Island and had both Darren and Mel bail on us. Darren had to fly to Dallas for his in laws (his father in law was having open heart surgery) and Mel had a gout flare-up. Mel actually showed up at the course and saw Boyd and I. He has moved back to the Philippines and is working his import-export business. He has a cousin in Government and his best friend is the finance minister, so he has the needed contacts to grow his business. Cora is still here as her daughter is a senior in high school and her son goes to UC Berkeley. Her daughter, Gabi, will enroll at Santa Clara next year so they will continue to live apart. Mel always missed home and his business contacts in the Philippines, where Cora is indoctrinated to the US and is a citizen. I hope thing work out for them. It is quite a stress on their marriage being apart. Mel recently sent me some pictures from a weekend in China, where he flew in a private jet with one of his friends and they played golf all weekend. He has an interesting life. I shot 85 on Saturday to Boyd's 78 and I also played Wednesday at Serrano Country Club with two of my agents and shot an 85.

I did get a hole in one frame for my office and framed the card and ball that I used. Neil, our tournament director, was nice enough to make a copy of the card for his records and gave me the official scorecard from the round. It adds to my golf themed office with my cases of balls from courses I've played and pictures of Pebble Beach and Princeville Golf course in Kauai.

The picture of Samantha with Darla and I was from Benihana's in Vegas and she was tired by the time our 90 minute dinner was over. She enjoyed the "dinner show" as she called it, but it was a little over long for her.

Our month at work concluded slightly down from 2010 and it is our first down month of the year. I have been tardy in getting the gang out to celebrate our good March and we will be going out to Rubio's Beach Mex Restaurant on Thursday. One of the typists complained as she doesn't like Mexican food, but as I told her, "I'm not taking the staff out for waffles on Cinco De Mayo".

Well this is short, but the wife needs me to barbecue some chicken and I need clean socks, so I will oblige her. Hope you all have a great week. Stand firm in the Lord. Ciao.

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